This is just for mission insane link back since we're a pair!
Take and Christobelle are
bloodydecadence and
bellemorteraven respectively. They've known each other for a billion plus years, but are in no way related other than their weird mind-link, and have been best friends forever and have spats here and there. Cause that's just what they do, ya know? They have fun, though being separated by a thousand miles makes them sad.
They are geisha bitches for life, they think.
Take is the comedy/lovey dovey writer of the two, though she dabbles in angst with help from others. She's been writing for a number of years, despite epically failing most of the time. Originally a writing major in high school, she changed and was suddenly a drawing major. But as she moved onto college, she one again found an interest in writing. Probably because she decided she sucked too much at art. See above image of her. She is an epic!grammar Nazi, but not a real one, that is.
She has a particular fondness for Sleepwalk a Robot that has been there since their first band Kingfish Fiasco. She was introduced to the pairing by her friend Justini-pants and hasn't turned back ever since.
Christobelle is the wittest person you will ever meet. Though it doesn't translate well in to his writing...Or does it?! His writing consists of comedy and super dramatic love scenes (due to his excessive necessity in watching Korean and Japanese dramas). Despite his spelling skills that are slowly improving, his writing is well done. Not rare or mediocre like some people's. ::Looks over at Take.::
He has particular fondess for strange parings; ones that no one ever writes. So he resorts to finding outlets for his need to see parings or love in general with his J-and-K dramas.