Oct 04, 2006 21:21
Hey, cool:
Dear Victoria:
> You have been selected to represent Green Mountain College in the
> Collegiate
> Learning Assessment (CLA) on one of the testing times scheduled Monday
> through Thursday, October 23 through October 26. The test is comprised of
> a
> single task that mirrors everyday problem solving, critical thinking, or
> analytic writing. The CLA has no impact on your grades and is not used in
> any way to evaluate you. Rather, it is to evaluate Green Mountain
> College.
> You will receive $20.00 for your participation, to compensate you for your
> time.
> The CLA measures your critical thinking, analytic reasoning and written
> communication abilities. Your score report will include your strengths
> and
> weaknesses on these skills and compare your performance to other students
> in
> your school and nationwide. However, your score will not be released to
> the
> College. Your score will be used anonymously to help Green Mountain
> College
> gauge its performance in helping you develop these skills and, in the
> future, focus resources on what works so as to free up other resources for
> things like financial aid.
> The Council for Aid to Education, a nonprofit research organization, is
> conducting the CLA.
> You will receive a future message that will provide more detail and allow
> you to reserve your space.
...craig called...left a message, asking how i was doing & "call back if you want"...he sounded really depressed :(