So I'm happy- but not so happy.
Clayson and I are doing great.
But (there is always a but)...
His mother is coming to visit sunday. I hate that woman. He tried to have her stay at our house. You had better believe I fixed that as soon as he got the balls to tell me. (memo to guys- don't make plans.. especially not house guest plans.. unless you consult the woman first.)She is now staying in a hotel. (Nicole-2 Pam-ZILCH)
His birthday is next Saturday. I am trying sooooooooooooooooooooo hard to make it a good one..because last year sucked. I think that I was actually the only one to buy him a gift.. Or a cake or anything.. :-( So this year, I have a menagerie of gifts.. only I'm not able to get off of work.. and I'm terrified his mother is still going to be here. She will monopolize the entire day, do her best the leave me out of everything, and pretty much act like I don't exist on a day I've been planning for for bout 2 months. On a VEERY immature note- I'm very scared of who will come out of the woodworks. God only knows what women will want to see him or call or whatever or leave comments on myspace.. again, screwing with a day I have worked very hard for.. On the myspace comment- I get pissy because half the bitches on there I don't want around and probably only know it's his birthday because of the notification they get in their inbox (or theiy're his ex's who read my LJ because they can't fucking let him go{which is why I now lock all posts}). Just a stressful thing.
I'm also upset because.. I had a very nice gift.. and then he told me he didn't want it- after driving to gulf breezze two days in a row and waiting in line for a total of four hours... Now he didn't know what I had gone through before he told me, which is cool... But it sucks because I'm scared he won't like my other gifts. He already figured out (by snooping around) what one is.. and is not excited at all.
I'm in a shitload of trouble at work.. which sucks because in the same meeting with my boss that he gave me my performance review and told me that I was doing great, and blah blah blah, making amazing progress.. He gave me a first and final warning for "professionalism". In order to find times I had been unprofessional.. he had to go as far back as January. Motherfucker. All because this bitch twisted my words, got offended for no reason. I literally was talking about some stuff I do in nursing- and wanting an open bar at my wedding. But that was unprofessional? Richie Jacob and Randy can shit talk reps or talk about sex.. but it's not innappropriate.
And the incident in janurary- a fuckin rep raised his hand to me. Threatened me, raised his hand to me, and called me a bitch. So I called Richie ( he was out of town ) and said, he goes.. or I go. My safety was compromised. And I got into trouble. But the rep did not. What the fuck.
Lauren and David ( a couple we hooked up four months ago ) are getting married. This December. I'm not in the wedding party.. (even though I introduced her to her husband) and Clayson is. Talk about bad fucking wedding etiquette. BITCH. She can't stop rubbing it in my face either. It sucks.. I want to get married sooo bad. What the fuck ever. (They will NOT be invited to my wedding)
Eventually.. I will have the wedding of my dreams.
My parents.. could not possibly have any more drama. I've stopped going to visit. I'm not getting involved. My mom needs rehab but no one will make her go. My dad- needs a fucking vacation- and my brother needs an ass beating. I feel so bad for my father. He takes all this shit. He never gets a break. And he works fucking 56 hours a week.. just to pay the bills while my mom sits on her ass, and she and my brother treat him like shit.
I am slowly making a list of guests.. who are NOT going to be allowed at my wedding. The list gets longer and longer every day. It's my day.. and no one is going to fuck it up. NO ONE. And if you do.. please take my word that I will hunt you down and I will kill you. I am not waiting years for this day and stressing myself the fuck out with planning for your piece of shit ass to fuck it up. If you don't get an invitation- don't show up, and don't call and ask for one. There is a very good reason you didn't recieve one.
Great.. even worse is Clayson has been pushing for th last few days to get rid of Gidget.. My baby. He was the runt of the litter. He is STILL smaller than lovebug. It makes me want to cry.. he is frustrated that gidget isn't a perfect cat.. and wants to abandon him at some shelter to die. Fuck that. Gidget goes, I go. You cant do that. We have had them since they were kittens.. and he gave them to Jaeden and I.. we're very attatched.
How could you not love that kitty..? He's my baby!!!
Here's some pics of the other two as well. As you can see, they LOVE the camera. :-)
Clayson and I went out on the boat with Sheri and John, scariest thing EVER. LOL Crappy pics, pretty backround.