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[Voice] mister_hatter July 9 2010, 04:06:41 UTC
You aren't the only one who knew.

[Break reassures him quietly. He doesn't turn the video on- there are certain people he doesn't want knowing he's in an infirmary bed right now. But he thinks Al probably needs to hear this.]

I went to live with him and Rain. I knew what he was, I knew what he was capable of. I gambled that he wouldn't do anything like this unless he was given reason to. A few days ago, he was. He arranged for me to be experimented on- whether as an extension of the creation of angels or not, I'm not sure. I was never naive enough to count him as a friend, but we did live together, share food and shelter, and help one another.

The minute a better use came along for me, that was over with. I'm currently in no condition to assist with hunting these creatures, but as soon as my recovery is complete I'll do my part. For the time being, do you know how many there are, how extensively they've spread- and whether or not it's an infection, or a finite number?

We should probably make public note of fortified locations, for those who are new, or otherwise unaware of where they might go.


[Voice] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 04:11:30 UTC
[He vaguely recognizes that voice, but he can't place it. Break. That's it, Xerxes Break, the one Yuca told him he was living with.

He wants to rage at him, to ask him why, but he'd be the biggest hypocrite alive if he did.]

I don't know if whatever he's doing is infectious through wounds, but Rain was infected by being forced to eat the flesh of one.

I don't know how extensively this has spread, though Kurotsuchi might know, the person he is living with now.

I will make them myself. We need to move fast.


[Voice] mister_hatter July 9 2010, 04:18:22 UTC
Don't trust Kurotsuchi! No more than anyone should trust Collabel.

[He regains his composure somewhat.]

He's best left out of this. If Rain ate the flesh of one, we had best assume it does spread- probably by blood, though possibly only in significant amounts. However, it raises another question.

Why was Rain human, and nothing like these things? What suppressed it in him- assuming it was suppressed, and can that be used on these creatures? Or is it too late once they've turned.


[Voice] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 04:25:17 UTC
[Slowly, a nod.]

I wouldn't. Ever.

It was the cross. He's still infected, but the cross on his chest keeps it from killing him.

Dora Folk has taken it, that's what has Yuca so angry.


[Voice] mister_hatter July 9 2010, 04:30:15 UTC
Not something one of us would be able to replicate in a hurry, then.

All right. Let me know if there's any way in which I'm able to help. I'll let you go for now, but I'll be back in touch soon.


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 04:56:14 UTC
Any details about the Angels or Yuca's defenses.


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] mister_hatter July 9 2010, 04:59:26 UTC
I don't think Yuca is defended. He genuinely doesn't seem to care if he dies.

Killing him here would be more than pointless- it would be dangerous. You saw what happened to him last time?


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 05:02:17 UTC
I did. Do you think that contributed to this?


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] mister_hatter July 9 2010, 05:03:27 UTC
Absolutely. Combined with the stress of losing Rain? He's lost both the motive and the ability to blend in. Who knows what he might lose next time he dies?


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 05:12:49 UTC
Maybe he'll lose the ability to make the serum.

Maybe he'll lose his memories of something vital.

Maybe he'll become blind.


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] mister_hatter July 9 2010, 05:15:10 UTC
Oh, as a nearly blind man, let me be the first to inform you that wouldn't stop him.


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 05:17:54 UTC
Then I'll just have to keep trying.


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] mister_hatter July 9 2010, 06:08:58 UTC

[He instructs, quietly.]

Contain this incident, then turn to him when you have a cooler head.


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 06:18:41 UTC
[A slow breath.]

... I will. Thank you.


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] mister_hatter July 9 2010, 06:19:42 UTC
This is my area of expertise. While I can't be with you physically, I know what I'm doing- do get in touch.


[Voice//Private//Unhackable] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 15:14:36 UTC
I will. I'll keep you updated. Thank you.


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