Array 130 // Video

Jul 08, 2010 21:53

I knew.

I knew Yuca was capable of doing this. Rain took me aside and told me about Yuca's past, what he was capable of, but asked me to keep it a secret. I confronted Yuca, let him know, and we agreed to a truce, on the grounds that he was to harm no one. If he broke that promise, I would tell the truth about what he is.

He's broken that promise.

These creatures Yuca Collabell has been making are called Angels. He was trying to create immortality, and instead created something that makes a creature subjected to the serum incredibly strong, and able to regenerate from any type of damage, aside from removing head or the heart.

These creatures he's released are incredibly dangerous, and are only able to be killed in that manner. If you have no way of defending yourself, do not approach them.

Anyone who can contribute to tracking them down and exterminating them, please contact me here.

Yuca Collabell himself is immortal, but he can be killed in all of the conventional ways. Instead, he comes back, and every time, he retains his memories. He has lived so many lifetimes, lost everything he loved, has become so jaded, that he no longer has any grasp of the value of human life. He is capable of astonishing cruelty, of murder, of genocide, of destroying lives and hearts, and he has done it. He is fully capable of doing it again.

He wants to end the world, so he can die.

[Al's voice breaks on that last bit.]

He is not a bad person. He just doesn't care anymore.

But we can't -- I can't -- allow him to hurt anyone because of it.

[Edit, about 15 minutes later.]

Once killed by either us or the serum, the bodies of the Angels must be destroyed and contained. Rain was infected by eating the flesh of an Angel. If any creatures in the wilderness eat the remains, they'll be infected too.

[His voice is even tighter now. This could be catastrophic if the things die before they get to them.]

yuca collabell, forgot to tell you he's a serial killer, screwed up bigtime, that is the sound of his heart breaking

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