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[video] iceandivory July 9 2010, 04:04:49 UTC
[Hitsugaya was fairly sure Elric didn't realize how ridiculous that sounded. He wasn't a bad person; he was just willing to kill anyone for his own selfish reasons. And it irked him to no end, that someone had known what the man was capable of and still hadn't told anyone. It was like Sasuke and the Kyuubi incident all over again. He was hoping this would be on a much smaller scale, but he knew hope only went so far.

He didn't say anything at first. He was just there.]


[video] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 04:13:38 UTC
[The problem was he was perfectly aware of how ridiculous he sounded. Some part of him still wished that Yuca was capable of feeling, of taking that second chance. He's aware of how stupid he was to believe in that.]

Please. Help me.


[video] iceandivory July 9 2010, 04:20:48 UTC
[He may have thought Elric was being stupid, but that wasn't going to deter him from something like this. His tone and determined nod made it clear that he'd never once considered doing otherwise.]



[video] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 04:30:00 UTC
[He nods. It means everything to him that Hitsugaya is waiting on lecturing him.]

Heart or head.


[video] iceandivory July 9 2010, 04:34:22 UTC

[That was all he needed. It looked as if they weren't all that different from hollows after all.]


[video] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 04:51:48 UTC
... take care. Hold on. I'm going to need all the help I can get, Hitsugaya.

Thank you.


[video] iceandivory July 9 2010, 05:02:41 UTC
Of course.

If you need to contact me, do so.


[video] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 05:13:56 UTC

If you kill one, don't leave it where it is. Contact me, or burn it. Don't leave bodies or blood behind. It all needs to disappear.


[video] iceandivory July 9 2010, 05:20:01 UTC
I can do dispose of the remains.


[video] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 05:51:47 UTC
Thank you. I don't need to tell you what will happen if this gets into the rabbit population.


[video] iceandivory July 9 2010, 06:17:59 UTC
[A snort. Oh, Al. Rabbits, sure. But what about flies and mosquitoes?]


[video] bloodseal_soul July 9 2010, 15:13:50 UTC
[... wow, didn't even think of that.]


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