Array 106 [Video]

Sep 05, 2009 22:21

[The boy in the bed comes awake with a start, crying out and thrashing as if something's grabbing at him, pulling him down, ripping him apart. His eyes shoot open, and his hands are still clutching at things in the dark, thrashing to brush his skin off, shuddering as if spiders are scrambling over his flesh, under his clothes.

He isn't still for a moment. Breathing loudly, he gets out of bed, stumbling on the edge of his pajamas, and slams into the corner of the bedside table. With a cry he crumples to the floor, holding the area he hit, gasping for breath. Tears rush into his eyes, and he starts to hyperventialate, clutching at the area as if he's in a staggering amount of pain, though that didn't even hit him very hard.

After a few minutes, he manages to get his breathing under control long enough to stare at his hands like a victim of shell-shock, as if he's never seen them before. All the strength seems to leave him, and he slumps down to a sitting position, just staring at his hands, tears streaming down his cheeks, an amazed grin on his face. He reaches up, feeling his own cheeks, nearly poking himself in the eyes, running his fingers through his hair as if he's never felt it before. Skin, clothes, everything. He has to touch everything.

After a moment of letting those touches sink in, Al stumbles over to the mirror in the room, staring at his face in the glass, as if it's the face of a stranger.]

I'm... my body... I-I'm... I-I'm real, I...

H-How did I...?

[He sinks down to his knees, staring at the reflection in the glass, trembling, his breath noisy with tears.]

I'm real.

But... where a-am I...? I...

[His voice is soft, as if talking to himself will get him his bearings back. He gets shakily to his feet.]

Somehow I imagined hell would be much different than this... maybe some sort of transient world, or something, I'm...

Owwww... my head.

[Muttering, followed by him gasping, and falling again, only to hesitantly raise his voice, staring off into the darkness.]

... hey, is... is anyone there? Anybody?

[ooc; Because I am a horrible person, for the duration of the event, Alphonse has lost all memory of Adstring. His last memory is, in fact, of dying. Coming back to his body is a bit of a shock for him. And by the way, for nostalgia...? Some of you might remember this post.]

*affected, i can feel you now, memories, freak me out, *event: a touch of death

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