Array 071 [Voice/Video]

Apr 06, 2009 16:14

[A horrible choking noise comes through the PCD, and Al shoots straight up in his bed. The noise was him trying to scream. Clutching at his throat for a moment, when he's able to breathe, he lets out a cry that almost doesn't sound human. As soon as it ends, he begins to cry, gasping and sobbing, torn between panic, horror, and disgust. He looks for several minutes as though he's lost all sanity. Then, slowly, he begins to claw himself back to reality, muttering incoherently under his breath.

He gets to his feet and stumbles off-screen, and a light flicks on, followed by the sound of running water, and more gasping. The soft crying tapers off, and the feed times out.]


[Later that morning, a voice post. Al doesn't sound fully himself. His voice is detached, clinical, the way he is when he's trying to distance himself from something that disturbs him.]

I apologize to everyone who ended up in my mind... and went into that room. I never wanted anyone to have to see that.

Everyone else -- please, don't follow the sound of the laughter.

nightmares, a warning, the joker, completely broken, uchiha itachi, the uchiha massacre, *affected, this is the kind of shit you tell people, *event: dreamscape, memories

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