Array 113 [Voice/Filtered from Envy]

Oct 10, 2009 20:57

This message is very important.

I've made this announcement twice before this, but it's important that everyone have the information, including new people or those unconnected to me or my family.

There is a creature from our world, a homunculus or artifically created human, that can change shape. He's called Envy. He's just shown up here. [ Read more... )

the bastard killed my brother, lol copypasta, taking charge, envy

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[voice] [private || unhackable] constantshower October 11 2009, 03:16:29 UTC
This man sounds dangerous, Al. Thank you for the warning. I'll be sure to keep filter on as much as I can.


[voice] [private || unhackable] bloodseal_soul October 11 2009, 03:18:28 UTC
That could help. He's very similar in powers to you, Rain... but he's got no soul.


[voice] [private || unhackable] constantshower October 11 2009, 03:19:45 UTC
[ something Rain's not used to.]

A...soulless immortal? How is anything without a soul possible?


[voice] [private || unhackable] bloodseal_soul October 11 2009, 03:26:07 UTC
A homunculus something like a construct.

He's a creature made of alchemy. In some cases they're created from failed human transmutation -- when an alchemist tries to transmute a person back to life... but because nothing can create souls, it creates a vacuum. A consciousness is created without a soul.

In others, they're created like a doll, with the intent of being what they are.

In both cases, they're fueled by something called the Red Stone or Philosopher's Stone. It's an alchemical substance that requires an astonishing amount of power to be able to produce. Basically, it's created through human sacrifice. It's the distilled energy-essence of human souls.

We have no idea how old Envy is, but it's at least several hundred years.


[voice] [private || unhackable] constantshower October 11 2009, 03:47:23 UTC
[Rain breathes a long, astonished breath.]

Wow. So, it's not his fault he exists and is devoid of a soul, right?

[Still wrapping his head around the soulless deal.]


[voice] [private || unhackable] bloodseal_soul October 11 2009, 03:58:15 UTC
No... but it is his fault he killed the man who was the closest thing to a father I ever had... and my brother.

Envy started a war once because he was bored... he took the form of a soldier and shot and killed a child. A war broke out because of that act, and it lasted years. My best friend's parents died in that war.


[voice] [private || unhackable] constantshower October 11 2009, 06:30:51 UTC
...Ah. I can see why he's so unsavory. So--because Envy is soulless--it means he doesn't feel anything, right?


[voice] [private || unhackable] bloodseal_soul October 11 2009, 06:41:25 UTC
In my world he would feel ghosts of emotions. Homunculi were creatures created from the dead, so they had some memories of the person they were created from. Envy was created from a very bitter and badly treated young man. He was abandoned and twisted to become the way he was ( ... )


[voice] [private || unhackable] constantshower October 11 2009, 06:45:30 UTC
The people that do these sorts of things--create creatures like that--must be very desperate.


[voice] [private || unhackable] bloodseal_soul October 11 2009, 06:47:17 UTC

When I was a child, I helped to create one. I... never knew it would create a homunculus.


[voice] [private || unhackable] constantshower October 11 2009, 16:01:49 UTC
[It takes him a second to get this out.]

Why, Al?


[voice] [private || unhackable] bloodseal_soul October 11 2009, 16:17:38 UTC
Our mother died. Ed and I tried to transmute her back to life. ... that's how he lost his arm and leg.

I... was worse off, but I'm fine now.


[voice] [private || unhackable] constantshower October 11 2009, 18:07:08 UTC
Ah--I'm so sorry, Al. I didn't know. But...but at least you didn't create Envy, right?


[voice] [private || unhackable] bloodseal_soul October 12 2009, 01:09:07 UTC
No, we didn't. We destroyed the one we created.

It's all right, you couldn't have known.


[voice] [private || unhackable] constantshower October 12 2009, 01:12:02 UTC
You know, Yuca will want to know more about Envy--and the things like him. Don't tell him too much.


[voice] [private || unhackable] bloodseal_soul October 12 2009, 01:13:15 UTC


[Shit, he already did.]


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