I've been sick. Not since the last time I updated, only the last couple of days. But I'm doing better now. I haven't really been doing much. Trying to convince people that no, I really don't want to go out with them. Taylor, one of the bar backs at work, thinks I should date him. That wont be happening. He's not a bad guy, but I'm not attracted to him. Aside from that, most of the bar backs and bartenders on 2nd/3rd shift are trying to get me to go out to the bar with them and my aunt. Yeah, also not something I'm particularly interested in. I'm not exactly much of a bar fly. That's far too social. Although I did have quite a bit of fun the night of Tanya's party at Fusion. Work the next day was not so fun, but that's how it goes.
On another note,
It's Music for Your Nose! Some frontiers should not be breached.
Also, new icon! Thanks to
oorat for the screen cap.