Four AM "Come on," the man cajoles. He leans in and the smell of alcohol on his breath is strong, but Jaejoong almost finds it comforting. "Lighten up. Why're you so uptight tonight
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aishhhh, the time jumps are confusing me lots :3 but I really like how the story is piecing together! :x but yunjae moments are getting sweeter ;p hehe update soon! :]
lol, don't worry about the time jumps, just pretend it's in order already. it all works out later and the YunJae will definitely be sweet. And hot :D thank you for reading <3
Haaa my heart aches for you Jae :( I think Jae really has a problem of self-confidence and is scared of getting closer to others yet doesn't want to be alone~He's such a deep character <333 Though he definitely love Yun^^ But he's so oblivious and Yun have to be more direct!! This story is so interesting because of the psychology of the characters and the way you write>.< Thx for the update :)
awww, I think you got it right exactly. Both of them didn't really understand what they wanted in this story, so I think that hurt both of them. They were trying really hard, but not really getting anywhere, so I think their relationship develops differently here than in most stories. It takes both a while to realize and admit to themselves how much they do love each other - until then, it's kind of mysterious, kind of uncertain what they're really doing :D
But a little bit of directness and commitment should go a long way toward resolving that <3
dearie, you make the smallest typos i've even seen and believe me, if you were a court reporter, i highly doubt you would make that many mistakes :D :D :D (though the occupation is slowly dying OTL
( ... )
Awwww, you'll never be a troller! *hugs* I seriously LOVE reading your comments and seeing what you're thinking as you're reading! Seriously, it's even more awesome since I'm not sure how much people can guess about what's going on and how much they've noticed. Some of the scenes are meant to be like of "ehhh?" and forgotten, at least until you have the whole story and it actually makes sense, lol.
Hahahaha, heck yesss maknae power <3 and yup, yoosu will have some parts, definitely ~ Jae IS going to feel that he's loved. Yunho's just taking a while to figure out how to show him =]
Seriously, it makes me SO happy to know that even though I feel like this story is weird and I'm not sure how I ended up writing it this way (lol, what the heck happened to that short, sweet PWP I originally planned?!), you're all willing to read it and play along with all the puzzle parts and all :)
haha thank you :') this is really confusing in it's own sense but really interesting at the same time :D lol true, that is exactly how each scene goes but it also makes me want to nag at you to continue that part xD (though i rather not)
ahhh~ so it's slowpoke yunho to the rescue adn yoosumin watching their appa pull off this skills ;] very intriguing indeed, now we just need some popcorn to enough the show \o/
oh seriously? PWP? omo! i didn't know that was the first sole purpose of this story! xD no wonder jaejoong has such a background o__o! even so, the integration into a very mysterious story is very great :)
Ahahah well, the original PWP thing was the kink idea behind the story and was supposed to be like, just totally silly + sweet + hot. No angst involved at all! I was talking to a friend about the YunJae couple rings and how there are all these long, detailed posts by fans trying to prove which ring belongs to which member and who's wearing it. There were all these pictures of the double Cartier ring. It was on the yongwonhi comm I think - YunJae were on a variety show which involved water and there was speculation that someone's ring got lost or something...I forget what exactly ^^;
[slight spoilers ahead for the "kink" in this fic if you haven't figured it out yet from the title and all ~ ]
Anyway, my friend was complaining about all the focus on couple rings/wedding rings and she was like "y'know, these rings are boring! what would be interesting was if you wrote something where Yunho gave Jae some other kind of ring...cuz no one would expect it and it would be hilarious, not to mention hot
( ... )
Sigh. I just want to cuddle Jaejoong. Wait, no, I just want Yunho to cuddle Jaejoong 8D And fiercely protective Changmin is precious <3
How is this story "meh" when it's stirring all kinds of thoughts and emotions in me? Though I gotta admit that it's still all kinds of confusing too. Despite that, I enjoyed reading this. Not sure what your usual standards are (have yet to get around to reading your older stuff) but I'm looking forward to the unraveling of this puzzle-fic ^^;
Hahahah, I've been thinking, and I think the 'meh' might be partly because I've arranged it this way for this reading. The drama is all over the place! It's meant to be confusing though, and hopefully when it's read the other way, you'll remember parts that didn't make sense the first time and it'll all click or something. I'm hoping, anyway...
I'm soooo glad you like it though, and the emotions and thoughts are getting through. I thought it was kind of a lot to put into one story, plus the whole puzzle-fic aspect of it D: so I'm really, really happy you still enjoyed reading it this way <3
Oh god, to me everything's pretty confusing sometimes but there's always this sadness and tragedy to it that it literally makes it difficult to breathe and brings tears to my eyes. I'm crying and I don't even exactly know why ;_________; Oh~ What you've done to me~ Gawd, I can't wait for more chapters and to see how everything will turn out. This story is absolutely beautiful and evokes such emotion.
awwww *hugs* I'm amazed and sooo thankful you guys like this so much. I was writing it and getting really depressed, both because there are a lot of sad parts but also because I was afraid posting it like this takes away some of the impact. (I think it's might be even sadder in chronological order +_+)
but happier times are coming up so don't worry, the tragedy is mostly averted, hehe :)
Comments 33
update soon! :]
I think Jae really has a problem of self-confidence and is scared of getting closer to others yet doesn't want to be alone~He's such a deep character <333
Though he definitely love Yun^^
But he's so oblivious and Yun have to be more direct!!
This story is so interesting because of the psychology of the characters and the way you write>.<
Thx for the update :)
But a little bit of directness and commitment should go a long way toward resolving that <3
Hahahaha, heck yesss maknae power <3 and yup, yoosu will have some parts, definitely ~ Jae IS going to feel that he's loved. Yunho's just taking a while to figure out how to show him =]
Seriously, it makes me SO happy to know that even though I feel like this story is weird and I'm not sure how I ended up writing it this way (lol, what the heck happened to that short, sweet PWP I originally planned?!), you're all willing to read it and play along with all the puzzle parts and all :)
ahhh~ so it's slowpoke yunho to the rescue adn yoosumin watching their appa pull off this skills ;] very intriguing indeed, now we just need some popcorn to enough the show \o/
oh seriously? PWP? omo! i didn't know that was the first sole purpose of this story! xD no wonder jaejoong has such a background o__o! even so, the integration into a very mysterious story is very great :)
It was on the yongwonhi comm I think - YunJae were on a variety show which involved water and there was speculation that someone's ring got lost or something...I forget what exactly ^^;
[slight spoilers ahead for the "kink" in this fic if you haven't figured it out yet from the title and all ~ ]
Anyway, my friend was complaining about all the focus on couple rings/wedding rings and she was like "y'know, these rings are boring! what would be interesting was if you wrote something where Yunho gave Jae some other kind of ring...cuz no one would expect it and it would be hilarious, not to mention hot ( ... )
How is this story "meh" when it's stirring all kinds of thoughts and emotions in me? Though I gotta admit that it's still all kinds of confusing too. Despite that, I enjoyed reading this. Not sure what your usual standards are (have yet to get around to reading your older stuff) but I'm looking forward to the unraveling of this puzzle-fic ^^;
I'm soooo glad you like it though, and the emotions and thoughts are getting through. I thought it was kind of a lot to put into one story, plus the whole puzzle-fic aspect of it D: so I'm really, really happy you still enjoyed reading it this way <3
Oh~ What you've done to me~
Gawd, I can't wait for more chapters and to see how everything will turn out.
This story is absolutely beautiful and evokes such emotion.
but happier times are coming up so don't worry, the tragedy is mostly averted, hehe :)
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