The Goat on a Sinking Boat, aka Malcolm and his Kid continued

Jun 01, 2015 18:40

So, ever since Bloodsong came up with the notion of a goat as Malcolm's pet, things in the Bloodravens' universe keep spiralling out of control. Dark Empress' twisted brain supplied her with an idea for what could happen AFTER the scene described in 'Malcolm and his Kid' (see the post from May 16th). Another insane Bloodravens chatroom session resulted in a sequel, which we proudly present to you below.

The Goat on a Sinking Boat

Oliver ran down the stairs into the Arrowcave, his mind still spinning from the weird-fest that his confronration with Malcolm had turned into. He noticed Diggle was by one of the metal tables, putting together a new rifle. Oliver strode over to a file cabinet, intent on finding a document he’d been thinking about ever since he left Merlyn Mansion.

“Hey,” Diggle threw casually over his shoulder, focused on tinkering with one of the smaller elements of the weapon. “So, how did it go with Merlyn?”

“Hey.” Oliver’d located the file and was now rifling through it. Diggle’s question demanded a lenghtier explanation, but he was too distracted for that now, so he just blabbered out the first thing on his mind. “He has a goat.”

“Oh.” Diggle remarked, bending close to file down a particularly tricky part of the rifle,

so he wasn’t listening all too carefully. “So where does he moor it?”

“Moor it?” Oliver cocked an eyebrow in surprise at the strange question.

"Yeah, you know.  Tie it up?"

"I guess he just ties it up in his yard.  Though he was keeping it in the living room."

"Inside the house?"

"Yeah, weird, huh?"

Diggle shrugged.  "Well, eventually he has to moor it somewhere.  Doesn't he?  Unless he plans to sink it, of course."

Now this was too weird - had Diggle lost his mind? Oliver put the document away to stare at his friend.

“Why on earth would he sink it?”

“That's what he does, isn't it?  He sabotaged your dad's. Well ,you tell me, you’re the one who spoke to him, anyway.” Diggle had paused as well, his forehead wrinkled in suspicion. “Does he want our help with this or something?”

Merlyn sabotaged his dad's goat??? Okay, Oliver realized, they either both had been dosed with some drug and couldn’t understand simple sentences or they were talking about two completely different things.

“Hang on, Diggs, what do you think I said when I entered?”

“Well, that Merlyn has a boat, obviously. It is what you said, isn’t it?” Diggle put the rifle part away, now looking at his friend, who stared back at him with a very strange expression.

“No, John, I said he has a goat. As in, an animal.”

“Oh. Right. Sorry, I was distracted, must have misheard you.” Diggle said sheepishly, then went back to tinkering, but stopped after a beat as what Oliver had said fully registered in his mind.

“Wait, WHAT? Malcolm Merlyn has a goat??? Are you kidding me?!?”

Silence reigned in the shadowy Arrowcave.

Probably to be continued....
10000 Bloodravens' points if you locate all the cracky wordplay we've engaged in here.

malcolm merlyn, humor, arrow; arrow tv show; arrow season 3, crack, arrow fanfic, john diggle, oliver queen

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