Target #16 - Stand Tall, Shoot First (Voice | Phone)

May 06, 2010 18:06

[Sniper, like last time was back on the phone after the announcment of take over. Here it is.]

Listen up town. Don't back down. If his pets are causing you problems, flee to Williams Road and I'll take care of it.

As for the so called threat who keeps trying to get us to surrender. I'll be on my roof. I'll not lay down my gun. We will stand tall and we will deal with all threats as they come.

Be ready, because we are.

PS. The Builder's League United is the real B.L.U. Anyone else is just a wannabe wanker who doesn't know his place.

Also don't go calling yourself BLU if you don't want to deal with the next strongest group in town as well. You hear me BLUs and REDs? Let's give him a gob full.

[Click! If you want Sniper he'll be on his roof.]

let's give 'em a gob full, 1247 williams road

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