really long time!

Jun 30, 2012 18:09

so, it's been a while since i had the time/energy/willingness/'net access to update this thing...
{the last part is due more to not-wanting-to-go-somewhere than anything else: i have loverly friends & family who make sure i know i can use their 'puters when i wanna...}

lots of things have happened, been "OMG!" at the time, and have settled into obscurity since. some things have remained the same. other things continue.

dad is in hospital again, and this is the first time since last summer that it's been really bad again.... he went in last sat, and thursday was the first day since then that he even seemed to know who the people visiting him *were*...
the doctors have only been able to run a limited number of tests this time, due to him being unresponsive/uncooperative, so they don't know as much about what's wrong as they'd like. there is a strong case for dad having had an actual stroke this time, in addition to the infection that keeps triggering stroke-like symptoms {as has been the case in past stays}...
hopefully, they'll have a better idea over the weekend/early next week when they've had time to implement a few new courses of treatment...

in other news, that doesn't seem anywhere near as important, my tv no longer works. or at least, it no longer turns itself on to show me a picture.
as a result, i've gotten through my library books much more quickly in the last coupla weeks.

and again, we come to the time limit of my willingness to sit somewhere outside my own home & play on the 'net,
so i'ma go home & get some dinner on now....

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