
Feb 10, 2012 19:42

so not only is it a new year, but it's *two whole months* into a new year, and i haven't even posted yet!

work has kept me busy pretty much non-stop since november... good on the one hand, and exhausting on the other....

stuff outside work has been mostly *meh* with spates of *rillyRILLY GOOD* and *rillyRILLY UN-GOOD*...
so, roller-coaster of life for me...
{read: NEED to win some lottery-dough!!!}

this month and last has been me pushing to make loverly things to vend at the burlesque show tomorrow night.... and there are quite a few new things, tho' it never seems like there's enough time to make *all* of them....

the show, unfortunately, means i will be missing a good friend's b-day gathering at sir ed's!!!
{hope curleyfaz has a good time anys!!! :-}

there's officially no more interwebs at my flat anymore... anyone wishing to get hold of me is gonna haveta do it the old-fashioned way...
{when i haven't screwed up paying the phone bill, anys... '-}

pretty sure there's more to say/post, but i'm still fuzzy-headed from a HECTIC week at work alongside losing my ride tonight due to a f*k'd front axle...
here's hoping the wonderful mechanic will actually be able to fix it in the morning & get me back in it by afternoon!!!!
::fingers, toes, extra appendages all crossed!::

ah well,
off to get a ride to the flat and sleep get productive for tomorrow night....
{and i DO look forward to seeing wonderful friends tomorrow as well!!!! '-}
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