OOC: Application for rubycity_rp.

Jul 18, 2010 02:04

Name: Moro -- moro_kun
E-mail: phantomnightbaron@gmail.com
AIM/MSN/etc: AIM: nightbaron01

Character Name: Alice
Canon: Pandora Hearts
Timeline: After Retrace XXXVIII: Scapegoat.

First Person:

[The communicator opens up -- to a large violet eye staring into the screen. It pulls back and forth and even rotates a few times before the feed steadies into the view of a girl with long brown hair. She seems to have a testy frown on her face as she at first taps the watch, and then... the screen goes black!

...and it returns to normal, albeit with some teeth marks and some drool. Guess who tried to taste it?]

What the hell is this thing supposed to be? It doesn't even tell the time...

[She scoffs, twirling the communicator around a little before stopping.]

Useless piece of junk. Maybe if I find a way out I'll give it to the seaweed head as a present. I'm sure he'd like that.

[A muttered curse. She sounds like she's trying to bite back some panic.]

Damn it, Oz! You useless manservant... how dare you leave me alone in a place like this! When I find you--

[A pause. She seems to be distracted with something.]

...wait. I smell meat.

[The last sound you hear is a mad dash towards a nearby store as she snaps the communicator closed.]

Third Person:

Where she was expecting rocks and the cliff faces, instead Alice found the cold, unfamiliar steel of what she thought was a moving hallway.

She'd whirled around, where she was faced with a blinding light. Another illusion? No... no, this wasn't possible. It had to be an illusion, right? A gloved hand ran a finger along the steel armrest of the train car. If this was an illusion, Alice thought, this was the most realistic one she'd encountered yet. And yet... as the train dived into the swirling clouds of fog ahead of her, she forced herself to look around, poke herself in the cheek. Shudder as the sickening truth set in -- this wasn't an illusion. This... it was reality.

Unconsciously, she'd crossed her arms and hugged herself -- her teeth were grinding as she looked around again, eyes narrowed. She could feel -- no, she knew that there was another presence here on this train, but she couldn't tell if they were an enemy or an ally. Her whole body tensed for any possible attack; her eyes continued to dart around as the presence was almost taunting her. If only Oz were here--! That idiotic manservant; she felt a sense of anger well up towards the carefree boy as she stepped backwards a few steps, the cold metal of the train car door transmitting its cold into her back. How dare he leave her here, lost and alone like this!

But haven't you always been alone...?

She felt a chill run down her spine -- it was the Abyss. She hated its call, its taunting -- right now, she was forcing herself to bite back a scream of frustration, though her body and her hands still shook from the horrible feelings that were starting to engulf her. Oz wouldn't abandon her, would he? They were in a contract, damn it! He was her servant; it was his duty for him to come for her, to find her and dispel the darkness that was beginning to eat away at her well-being. But even now, her worst fears were doing a number on her, as she swiveled her head to and fro to try and make sense of where she was.

"O-Oz!?" she called out. "OZ?! Damn it... where the hell are you, you stupid manservant?!" Even that bumbling seaweed head would be a comforting presence to her right about now.

Alone... you'll always be alone...

Suddenly, as if on cue, the train doors that Alice had been leaning on opened, and she couldn't do much but yelp as she fell down onto her back, cursing under her breath as the train closed up and slowly crawled away from the infinitely-foggy train station. One of her hands reached out for support as she sat up, and in the progress wrapped themselves around a small, circular device that had been carelessly left on the platform. She blinked, turning to look -- a pocket watch. How quaint. As if she needed -- or wanted -- another painful reminder of the contractor whom she assumed left her behind to wander in this foggy station.

...no. She had to stop thinking like that. Oz wouldn't just leave her here to fend for herself. He was probably running around trying to find her. He had to be.

As the pain subsided, she turned to look at her new surroundings -- it was a fog-drenched city that reminded her too much of the Abyss that she'd only managed to escape from some odd length of time ago. Pocketing the device, she sighed as she scanned the area for someone, anyone who could tell her just where she'd ended up now. It wasn't the time for her to crawl someone and cower in fear -- like hell she'd allow herself to fall that far without putting up a fight. Besides, if anyone knew of it, they'd never let her live it down.

Regaining her composure, she approached the nearest person she saw. "You there! Peasant! Tell me where I am!"

app, ooc

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