RP voice-test one. (Writer's block.)

Jul 17, 2010 14:57

Writer's Block question:

If you could have 10 minutes alone with anyone in the world where you could do or say whatever you wanted without consequences, who would you choose and what would you do?

W-what kind of question is this?! That's not something you just ask someone!


If I could... I'd choose Oz. Because he's my servant, obviously -- since we're in a contract together, it's obvious that he shouldn't dare leave me behind! As for what we'd do, I don't know. And I wouldn't really care all that much. But there'd better be a restaurant with meat involved!


...even now, though, there's still a part of me that's really happy when he doesn't ignore me. I guess... him not wanting me any more, thinking that I'm a nuisance... it's become one of the things I fear the most now. And I still don't know how that happened, believe it or not--

Why the hell am I writing this, anyway?! Tch, I should be glad that no one can read this. I swear, if someone did and told Oz, I'd have to kill both him and them...

rp test, meta: orz self

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