Who: The Dark Ace, and anyone around.
When: Late morning on the 2nd
Where: The courtyard
The Dark Ace had been looking forward to the prison's first event. To be outright told that they would get to kill each other, even if it was for the entertainment of people willing to pay outlandish prices, had honestly gotten his interest. That had been different. Unexpected. A distraction from the ridiculous levels of security here, even beyond most of the maximum security prisons he'd heard of - or been in - before. Prove entertainment enough, and despite his stinging pride, he would be allowed to be go free.
It had come as a surprise, then, to be escorted to a living version of hangman and watch as frantic teammates struggled to save a fellow prisoner. The idiots running the place had apparently populated the prison solely with normal people on normally-not-death sentences. This first event was supposed to have been an example of the prison's power, an example of why they had the word 'deadman' in the name. Nothing made sense otherwise.
And nobody had even died!
Frustrated and still with all the seething anger over his original capture, the Dark Ace lurked in the courtyard, unable to deal with the enclosing concrete walls of the rest of the prison. A little fresh air kept him from going completely insane, even if the unsuitable sunshine ruined the atmosphere somewhat. He had enough CP to keep himself alive here for another week, but that wasn't enough. He needed far more. So for the moment he sat on a bench in the courtyard, and scowled out at the assorted other prisoners, and thought, paying absolutely no attention to the world around him. There were so many children and morally righteous types here that he had no worries about someone trying to put a knife in his back ... yet.