...Like father (genesis 26)

Jan 02, 2012 10:39

Genesis 26

Whether we realize it or not, Men, we have a lot more influence than you may think about. The example you set may make or break your children. Think about were you want your great great grandkids to be. You are the first stepping stone to get them there. The more you do in your life to get them there, the closer you kid can get his kids to getting them there. On the other hand you can also be a stumbling block to yours lineage. Your children will often follow your example good or bad. In the begging of this passage we see Isaac falling into the same sins as his father. In another time of famine God tells Isaac to settle in a certain part of the land. When he gets there he does the same thing that his father did. In fear he tells Abimelech that his hot wife is his sister because he is afraid they will try to kill him and take her from him. But just as God did with Abraham he reveals Isaac's sin and brings it into the open. He lets Isaac know that he is with him and he is protecting him.
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