When Jesus comes for dinner

Nov 08, 2011 12:03

Genesis chapter 18

In this passage Jesus shows up and Abraham invites him to dinner. What it shows is the character of Abraham, when it came time to serve The Lord, Abraham gave Jesus his best. He sacrificed his time and resources by preparing fresh bread and killing the best calf he could find and preparing fresh meat for Jesus. While sitting and eating together, Jesus tells Abraham that next year his wife would give him a son. Sarah was outside the tent eves dropping, when she headed this she laughed in unbelief. Although she was not present with them and they did not hear her, Jesus knew that she had done this. He confronts Abraham who had also laughed at him in the previous chapter,"Is there anything that I can't do". God knows your heart and the motives behind your thoughts and actions. You can't mock God nor can you fool him, whatever his will is he will accomplish it even if the circumstances look hopeless. God is patient and he does everything in his perfect timing. Don't loose heart when you think its too late for hope. Your watch may just be running a little fast. After dinner as Jesus was leaving he good Abraham of the fate of Sodom and Gommorah, that they would be wiped from the fa e of the earth because of their continual unrepentant sins. Jesus said that so many people were calling on God against them that he was going to do something about it. Abraham pleads with him trying to change his mind. He asks "will you destroy the righteous with the wicked"? You know it is ok to ask God questions when you don't like what he has planned. We may not always agree with God but we must know that he is sovereign no matter what. Abraham is worried forthwith lives of the innocent people in the cities that will be killed with everyone else, as well as his nephew Lot, who had took up residence there. Now Jesus already knowing everyones heart and motives knew that there was not one righteous among them, but for Abraham's sake he made the deal with him that he would spare the city if he could find even 10 righteous men. This is just a speculation on my part, but I have this theory that Jesus still holds twhis promise for the whole world. I believe heis waiting patiently for the last person he knows will give their life to him and then he will come back.
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