Jul 15, 2005 21:49
Well what can I say about life so far? Well I have worked 7 full days up until yesterday. And on this yesterday, yesterday being a Thursday btw, I picked Tyler and Brandon up from school. Got 5 Bucks in gas money AND a free 20oz of Mt. Dew. Then Jil called me n asked if we were still going to hang out (I thought she had cancelled on me cuz she worked that night) so I agreed to and then found out she was at her mom's house which is on the edge of civilization as we know it. SO I called Megan and had her get ready n so she would hang out with us too. So Megan lead the way to Jil's house, after a slight detour
-.-' stupid traffic and construction. We picked Jil up and by the time we got home I had gone through my entire NBC cd. Sad eh? Well we hung out and watched Phonebooth. Ordered Pizza for lunch about 2 or 3pm. Then after that Megan and Jil decided they wanted to go swimming up at Jil's dad's apartment place thingy, so I took them up there and they went swimming, and had fun and they splashed around and other stuff. After that, Jil called in to work and got the night off.
Then I dropped them both off at Megans where they did who knows what till who knows when, with who knows whom. Kyle came over to my house after dinner and told my parents the entire Tyler story as to why he doesn't have a car and stuff like that. Good times. My mother freaked out about the drugs tho. Anyways after that I went off to fencing at 7pm. Three hours of fencing to warm up for tomorrows event...the Iowa Games. Yea, thats right, any fencer reading this the Iowa games is the only non-USFA tournament thats help around here, outside of our in-club shit. Of which, I sadly must say I am no longer going ot be able to fence in becuz I am leaving my club to journey to UNI and start something there....I hope. But back to the story...
Looking back I am almost sad to have left to go fence but I really needed the practice and so I just say Kudos to my dedication. If only I had more support. Blah... I left fencing about 9:50 n went over to Megans where Jil, her and Kyle were hanging out. We watched TV, wrestled around, tickled megan to no end and I got 5 dollars off of Megans drunk dad, becuz Megan owed me for lunch. Actually Jil owed me money but her dad was drunk so it was easy. Sorry megs. Went home at midnight to sit down and watch Dawn of the Dead at 1 and then Con Air after that. I for some strange reason actually decided to watch Con Air to the end, thus putting me in bed at about 4:40am. Smart I know.
Then the next morning I wake up and realize how late it is and that we are supposed to leave for Willy Wonka movie very soon so I call peoples and that stuff. Kyle n I made it to JC in under 20 minutes. It was fun. We only did 80 on the interstate as well. So I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Megan and Kyle n Jil. The movie was great n I want the soundtrack too. I haven't laughed that much at a movie n a long time. I was pleased. Then I went off to work after a brief displeasure with Jil...I guess thats the last time I'll talk to her until August. Then at work. Scot, seafood manager, brought doughnuts and told us we didn't have to pull seafood so that was 2 good things in the first half hour. The rest of the night went quick. We had a steady flow of customers and I even helped some lady with dry ice. Fun stuff.
Now I come home to silence, solitude, and the end to the funnest 2 days I've had in a long time. May my luck bring more.......
*note from the editor* this journal is not safe anymore...unfortunately problems exist where the whole truth cannot told. As you read this, I am currently working on ways to fix the bugs and tweak the problems to make it so this journal is safe for all people involved. We in this journal always wish to bring you the full truth, and all of the truth, and to never lie in our journal. We thank you for reading it and hope that you will continue to read our journal. We know that you have many other journals that you could choose to read and so we thank you for reading ours. Goodnight, stay safe, and happy hunting.