(no subject)

Jun 17, 2004 03:51


punk rock. 1-10 scene points. way to go, you drink
outside of shows lots and make the rest of the
scene hate you.

how many scene points do you have?
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What Hello Kitty Angel Are You?

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You are Classic Hello Kitty! You live simply and
happily. You can be counted on to always be
yourself and never change.

Which Hello Kitty are you?
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You are Nyago! Always sleepy, but always happy and
easy going.

What Hello Kitty Character are you?
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Which Madonna are you?
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You are VIOLENT, BUT IN DENIAL. Maybe after
you go to one of those group therapy sessions,
you can give us a call. Tell us you've changed
your ways. You're normal now. Really.

::|| How Violent Are You? ||::
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