Fic: What Words Can't Do (Bradley/Colin, Merlin/Arthur, NC-17)

Feb 16, 2014 05:12

Fandom: Merlin, Merlin RPF
Pairing: Bradley/Colin, Merlin/Arthur
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 17,078
A/N: Written anonymously for this KMM prompt. I've never written RPF before so this was really, really fun to write (not to mention a process full of shaaaaame, but of a good kind!) I regret nothing.
Disclaimer I know nothing of these actors' real lives, I certainly do not own them and this piece is entirely fictional and not reflective of their lives in any way. No offense is meant.

Notes/warnings: RPF, exhibitionism, dirty talk, minor character death (not Merlin, Arthur, Bradley or Colin), apparently a fuck load of UST but what would I know, I live for the stuff. Blame deminos001 for enabling the drawn-out UST.

Summary: Just as Bradley's coming to terms with letting go of his feelings for Colin so he doesn't get sucker punched in the gut when Merlin eventually ends, a sex scene is written into the script between Merlin and Arthur; after the great reveal of Arthur discovering Merlin's magic in the series, the tension and emotions running between them are at an all-time high, their confused friendship turned something more strained and vulnerable in the middle of a war.

( What Words Can't Do on AO3 )

fic: merlin, fic: bradley/colin, fic: merlin/arthur, fic: merlin rpf, fandom: merlin

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