Art: My Very Own Porn Star (Merlin/Arthur, Arthur/Mordred, NC-17)

Nov 23, 2013 00:57

Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur, Arthur/Mordred
Word Count/Art Medium: 7363 + 3 pieces of art with Photoshop CS5.5
Rating: NC-17
Contains (Highlight to view): Voyeurism, light D/s, implied exhibitionism, dirty talk
Disclaimer: Merlin characters are the property of Shine and BBC. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Art done for my merlin_sexstars story, My Very Own Porn Star. :D

Summary: Arthur Knight tops in the porn films he stars in for a living, directed by the shy and eccentric Merlin Emrys. No one knows exactly what Merlin's thinking when he's in his director's chair, but if they did, they'd get some choice firsthand insights as to how much Merlin enjoys watching Arthur fuck other men - before claiming Arthur (and his arse) for his own at night behind closed doors.

Arthur bites down Mordred’s back, never hard enough to leave any marks, and presses Mordred down face-first into the bed, shifting so he’s looking directly at the camera.

At Merlin.

“Do you, Mr. Emrys?” The bed dips when Arthur sinks one knee into the mattress behind him, his palm brushing against Merlin’s trousers. Maybe no one’s looking, maybe Arthur’s feeling daring, but that’s the moment when he feels the subtle pressure of Arthur trailing his nails up the side of his thigh. “Would you let me find out?”

“Speak for yourself.” Merlin shrugs off his own trousers and unbuttons his shirt, letting it fall softly on the floor too as Arthur straddles his lap, his thick cock nudging at Merlin’s stomach, his mouth on Merlin’s ear like the over-eager sex-crazed teenager he really is.

fanart: merlin, fanart: arthur/merlin, fanart: arthur/mordred, fandom: merlin

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