I'm not taking up glass vase juggling as a hobby. Fyi.

Apr 09, 2011 07:10

Please excuse any spelling mistakes and/or gramatical errors but I'm posting this from my phone.

So how did you guys spend your thursday? Me? I ended up in A&E after dropping a vase, smashing it and slicing it into the top of my foot. Five hours later I was admitted as they wanted to operate.

Friday afternoon saw me operated upon, put in plaster and told I'd divided my tendons for one, possibly two, of my little toes. At the moment I'm still on a ward, no-one is really sure where I stand (or not currently as the case may be) on going home. I'd like to but until I've seen physio and the Consultant I'm stuck!

I feel fine in myself, a bit sore, tender and a bit of an idiot but not too shabby considering. My ward consists mostly of older women (Grannies if you will) apart from one gentleman (whose name escapes me) and of course lil ol' me. Apparently, according to Barbara I'm a breath of fresh air as I've been chatting to her and others on the ward. I think they've had a bought of very sick quiet people so having me has proved entertaining.

Anyway!! I'm lucky my phone has internet all be it slow and retro style. As soon as I know anything more I shall post but feel free to poke, prod, comment, rec, sing to etc etc.

Right, I'm off to take my meds and work out what trouble I can cause so I can go home!!!

motherfucking ow!!, 2011, glass vase vs charlie

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