Random Meme

Mar 08, 2011 16:44

Whilst I rewrite my post about SPN 6.16 I’m going to fill this in to keep myself sane, thanks to mangacat201  for sharing it.

Rules: It's been going around, you know the drill... answer questions, replace ones you don't like, tag people if you want to.

1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up.

Number one is the box which holds all my MA folders in it, along with copious post-it notes, pens, biros and notepads. Number two is Darcie, fast asleep on the sofa. Three is my mobile, which looks like it’s gone 20 rounds with the ground (it has) and lost every single one. Four is the TV, which has The Mentalist currently paused on screen and finally at number five is my laptop. Which I am typing on... obviously.

2. How do you style your hair?

Straightened, side parting with a fringe and either thrown up in a pony tail or left hanging long. I’m not a fan of products or anything fancy and my hair never holds created curls anyway.

3. What are you wearing now?

Dark blue jeans, baby blue superman hoody, one pink and one purple sock, my compass/sun dial pendant and earrings. Underwear is a given.

4. What's your occupation?
‘Mature’ student studying for an MA in Education. I trained as a teacher last year; need to qualify on my NQT year though. Currently I work p/t for a supermarket chain earning me some pennies but hopefully come April/May I’ll be working in a prison.

5. What do you hear right now?

Dad in the other room on the phone talking to colleagues about work, my laptop fan whirring away and my brother crashing around upstairs. My music will be resumed after the episode of the Mentalist is finished with.

6. Who was the last person you hugged?

My brother, though technically it was less of a hug and more of an assault followed by a head lock if you ask him.

7. What is/was for dinner?

Lunch was a sandwich, tonight we’re having a Daddy Fry-up with all the works. Om nom nom!

8. What did you do today?

Rocked out of bed at 10am, did a load of house work, claimed the living room from the brother so I can do my Masters work. Right now I am meme-ing and trying to re-write my reaction post.

9. Dog person or cat person?

I’m a cat person but I like dogs. I mean the cat tattoo on my foot should be a giveaway of my preference but you can’t see that!

10. What would your name have been if you had been a girl/boy?

If I had been born a boy I would have been Oliver. It’s not a bad name.

11. What colour/pattern are the linens on your bed?

Chocolate brown with cream stripes.

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Well I would absolutely love to go to the entire continent of America and work my way down from Canada to Rio Grande. Take my time to explore, see the sights and meet the people. As a geographer (at heart, through study and by profession) I love culture and learning about the wider world, seeing how one continent can have such a diverse range of cultures, terrains, landscapes and people.

13. Favorite band/musician?

Oh man do I really have to pick one? I love music, I’m not musically talented at all but I can’t sit in silence. I’m a rock chick at heart so Eagles, AC/DC and the such like tend to get played a lot by me. I love classical and piano music too though, anything that is calming. If I had to pick one though I guess it would be Daft Punk because they aren’t just musicians, they’re composers and so much more. Their Tron album is AWESOME.

14. Favourite book?

I’m a geek so my all time favourite book has to be Dragonlance Chronicles Trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. It’s got a lot of history for me and I make the effort to try and re-read it every two or three years if I get the time and chance to.

15. What are you doing this weekend?

Saturday I am spending the afternoon chilling before heading over to see the boyfriend and staying the night. Sunday we’re going up to see his Mum and I’m cooking for her, Matt and his Nan because it was Paulette’s birthday on Tuesday just gone and this is part of her birthday gift from Matt and I. Though I’m not sure if I am crashing over Sunday night or not because on Monday it is my birthday and I’ll be 24!!

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?

I’d love to be able to play the piano and therefore read music so I could then play other instruments.

17. How are you?

Not too ad thanks, a little stressed and dealing with stuff. I’ve been worse and compared to the lows I hit last year I can cope. Kinda. I think. Oh gods.

18. What are you doing tomorrow?

Dissertation in the morning and then going over to see the boyfriend in the afternoon/evening to stay the night at his place.

19. What are you looking forward to the most?

Right now? My birthday on Monday. Beyond that I’m looking forward to starting my new job (hopefully in April/May) and saving up some pennies to be able to move out. I’d love to have gone to the Asylum convention or even abroad but with things the way they’ve been for me the last couple of years I just can’t afford it. Which is frustrating but I just have to accept that fact and not dwell on it. Like my Dad always says, you’ve got to put the time and the effort in now to be able to enjoy the good things in life. I’ve got 6 years before I even want to be considering having kids so I’ve got plenty of time to go out there and do the things that I love.

meme, random crap, 2011

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