Here's looking at you, kid.

Nov 04, 2010 13:00

So having spent the weekend and recovering from my Reverse Bigbang I returned back to University ready to be thrown back into my studies. Which I was. Immediately my sleeping pattern has been messed up back to being wide awake till at least 3 or 4am. Now I can survive on this just fine, it's never really been an issue and more of an annoying factor that can disrupt a weekend for me.

I'm currently writing my Stage One Literature Review Essay on a journal of my choice. The one I have selected is The Effects of social class and ethnicity on gender diffferences in GCSE attainment: a secondary analysis of the Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales 1997-2001 as cited in the British Educational Research Journal Vol. 32, No. 1, February 2006, pp. 3-21 - It's only got to be 1,000 words but I have to do a 10 minute presentation to go along side it to present to the rest of the group who are all academics.

I'm nervous but kinda blase about it all because I'll either pass or fail so I can only do my best.

Really though I think that's my attitude of late. I've hit a low, which I totally knew would come eventually but it's so fucking hard to remember that this cloud will move soon enough. It's like I'm under a storm cloud and I can see the sunshine off in the distance but right now I'm stuck in the middle of this storm in the rain and thunder.

So what else has been going on? I got a call back for a bank job, let's call them Mantander and Basda which is great, but now Basda are causing me grief as they want me to attend training on the days I am simply not available and they seem to want to put the responsibility on my shoulders and make me skip my lectures. Which ain't gonna happen, not considering I'm paying around £4,500 for this entire course out of my own pocket. So we're keeping out fingers crossed for Mantander or the community assistant job I was interviewed for today.

On a totally unrelated - but possibly related depending on how you look at it - note I'm gonna do a couple of memes to ensure that I actually do make an effort to check my flist daily and update daily rather than sulking in my room like the 13 year old girl I have been reduced to. Not that there is anything wrong with being a petulant, sulky child... but y'know at 23 I should be over the sulking phase at least.

Meme 1 ~ Meme 2

i wish i was special, update

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