(no subject)

Jun 17, 2009 15:19

Okay so a couple days have gone by and I haven't posted. I don't have a legit reason yet but give me time and I'll think of a good one. And no aliens are too obvious as a story!

Sooo since my last update:

14th - Worked the close in the evening and spent the rest of the day being a tad lazy but only because I am shot to sh*t sleep wise. I blame the internet

15th - Day off! =0) Spent it pretty much doing not alot. Apart from spending more money that I don't have and trying to tidy my room. As well as doing house work and relaxing in the garden thanks to the gorgeous sunny weather!

16th - Helped my Gran in her garden as well as built a table and chairs set for her (no not from scratch) followed this up with a delightful 5-10 session at work. Which involved me sorting packets of sweets into date and size order. Yeah sure I went to university for three years and spent £11,000+ of a loan I have to pay back to get paid £5.73p/h to fucking sort sweets. My life is soooooooo fucking worth it! Wankers!

Now today I have been to my training school on a trip round the local area. It was lovely as I got to meet some of the year 7s who wil possibly be my year 8s when I take them on! They moaned alot though about how much they had to walk, I on the hand enjoyed myself and took lots of pictures =) I then came home and logged on here! Tomorrow I'm back at the school in the afternoon to do a bit more It sessions stuff so that I can get used to it all in time for September!

Have been drabbling out a sort of fanfic that I am debating about posting. Not sure if I will or not, all depends on how well I think it has turned out!

Also on the 23rd July I shall be going to London possibly to meet with other Xmen-like-minded-people aka geeks like me =oD All is right in the world! 
Btw the icon is of my kitten (well 1year and 7 mnths) my Darcie also known as Dar, Ginge, Ginger, Ginger Ninja or Little big foot

family, teaching, degree, work, update, pets, darcie

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