Money goes out but never seems to come back in....

Jun 14, 2009 12:33

Canterbury was lovely! I miss it so much sometimes, I went to university there for three years and although I didn't live in the city I used to love any excuse to wander around the shops. There are two highstreets the main modern one and the older one. Both are just full of cutsy shops!

And then there is the Cathedral! Now I'm not religious but I used to enjoy wandering through the grounds on my way to or from uni and the peacefulness of it all was just what I needed!

Well yesterday I managed to spend even more money I don't have adding to my dvd collection: the TV series Teachers Series 1-4 and The Manchurian Candidate starring the deliciously, delightful Liev *swoon* I've now got 92 dvds... and hardly any space to store them due to the fact that I live at home!

Today I'm working the evening shift, ain't so bad actually as I've got one of the better managers on shift but also some of the bitchy staff. They do what suits them and then leave the rest to me! *Sigh* fucking ridiculous if you ask me but thats the way the cookie crumbles sometimes! So I'll be at work till at least 1.30am and then no doubt back on here! I won't manage to get to sleep till at least 3am at the earliest. I don't mind too much as my body clock is soooo messed up right now!

Weather has been amazingly hot yesterday and today. Well I say amazingly hot but bloody warmer than we've had it for a while! I reckon that means work should be fairly quiet as most sensible people will be having BBQs and not sat in a cinema in the dark... *fingers crossed*

Saw a face from the past as well yesterday, Hazel who I knew back when I was a skater chick aged 16. She was best mates with me and my then boyf at the time. Who looked remarkably like Screech from Saved by the Bell. Seriously I kid you not!! Yeah well my taste has improved vastly since then!


nostalgic, canterbury, money

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