Jul 11, 2007 16:57
I feel like my brain is still on vacation. I just can't seem to get motivated at work. Yesterday, my boss had me attend a kick-off meeting with him at our Navy client, and I had to fight to keep from falling asleep during most of the meeting. My eyes just would not stay open.
I ate badly, too. I have been eating badly, since I found out I gained 5 pounds on vacation. I still cannot understand HOW I did that. All that walking, all that moving around and exercise, I should have LOST weight!
I am back on my Nutrisystem again. Only the first day I have actually been perfect thus far on it. I need to get those 5 pounds back off.
I need to get with work, too. I am so unmotivated and uninterested, I might as well not be here. I have to get with the program! There is still so much I need to learn
HE loan funded. Funny, after paying everything off, I am left with under $3K. Hardly seems worth it, for the stuff I need to get done. Now I get to pay off all the cards though, and will start the process of snip snap snur and cutting them up, at least all but 2 of them. I also need to call creditors and get stuff pulled directly from checking now, not cards, to keep better track of what is being used and balances. That means absorbing another $300 in payments on my checking account, monthly, but it is worth it to NOT run up the cards.
The depressing thing is that the checks were not enough to completely pay some cards off, so I still need to get them paid and gone... I really had lost control of finances again, it seems, and I wonder why. I am so good at paying everything, but I was finding I would then have no money for other things, like groceries and essentials, and the cards would get pulled out again... Not the right thing to do, I know, but it was happening more than I want to admit.
So, I have an almost fresh start, which will be complete once I get these little balances wiped out, and then I have one, new bill to pay each month in return.
Anyway, I am tired of finances. I am tired of all the stuff we need to do to stay afloat in these times of supposed plenty, but also dangerous financial circumstances.
I am also tired of fighting with my college. I am still fighting over a proctored exam for Finance. They failed me a second time, and even though I had a 96% average in the course, they failed me for the course! I am appealing, and am trying to get the thing resolved. The handbook is no help, and neither is my Student Progress Rep, who they also switched on me with no explanation and for no reason. Grrrrrr!!!
Anyway, just a vent or so for the day. I need to get back on the program, with my diet, my work, and finances, and I need to resolve this school thing once and for all. I am so done with this.
home equity loan,
weight loss,