
May 17, 2005 23:19

Is it June 10th yet?

I have 10 major projects- all due within the next week and a half... yep, that'll be fun!

The weekend went over well, im still surprised my mom stayed up til 5, shes usually asleep by 10. Props to my mom for that, lol.

Picked which classes i'm taking next fall and its a slacker schedule. I've fulfilled most of my gen eds already through AP credits, so no social sciences, math, foreign language for me.

The classes i want are

govt (similar to comparative govt in high school), phil 101 (well its mandatory for plp students), ldshp 210 (also mandatory for plp students), hist up to 16th century (not looking forward to it, but oh well), and the class i'm most interested in religious studies (and that's probably a shocker to most people, but it's something i've always been interested in).

In the spring i'll have to take my last english credit, my last history credit, and 1 lab for chem, but thats not too bad and then its on to my major!!

Well considering this time tomorrow i'll be in a theatre waiting for star wars, i'm heading to bed, nite everybody!
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