Jul 13, 2003 00:28
Well, no one but the "Girls Staters" (I hated when they called us that) will have any idea what that's about...except maybe Liz, Jan, and Jon b/c they visited me. Where were the rest of you? j/k :) Seriously, Girls State was amazing. Not because of government, that part was kind of boring. It was a good experience and I loved being on Governor's Council, but the lectures...I don't know. The amazing part was all the people I met. I didn't realize you could make such good friends in a week! Alex was the best roommate EVER, Amanda and Kathleen were the coolest neighbors, and then there was the second floor crew...Jenn, Alissa, Kate, Seija, Rachael, and Erica were CRAZY! Gotta love those dance parties, and Friday night was so much fun. Major bonding right there. And ya can't forget Eileen, Erin, and Amy...obviously I'll see Eileen and Erin next year, but Amy was definitely the most dedicated runner @ Girls State...next to yours truly of course :) j/k I slept in two days *gasp*
Who could forget the ghetto Portsmouth crew? They were HILARIOUS. The blackest white girls I've ever met! But really nice, too...except Riley...I don't know, she never looked me in the eye. It was weird. She was nice to everybody else though :)
Ok, when Kristen sang "I don't know how to love him" for talent night, I seriously almost cried. I was thisclose.
Monday and Tuesday were BORING. I thought I might cry out of boredom. But by Wednesday, we were getting to know each other, besides the fact that we had the political rally. It was WICKED FUNNY! The Nationalists did this Hawaiian theme and us Federalists did this TRL thing. I dressed up like a cowgirl, danced to cotton-eyed joe, and then attempted to give my governor's council speech in a southern accent. That was the night Jon, Liz, and Jan came and I didn't look at them once until the whole thing was over. Seeing them would've made me nervous!! I wasn't going to let Jon come, but then I gave in. Thursday we elected people and had the inauguration. Mi familia came and I got to sit on stage and stuff b/c of governor's council. It was quite exciting. Friday was talent night and major bonding, since 7 of us slept in Kate and Jenn's room. We had the BEST conversations.
Saturday was graduation. Almost fell asleep since I was going on 8 hours of sleep for two days. But then I won this scholarship, so that woke me up :)
When I came home, I slept and baby-sat, then Jon came over for a little bit. Next week volleyball camp starts and apparently we're allowed to help, so that's good. I need money. AND Alex and I are going to the park. sweeeeeeet :) Ooh hopefully Liz, Jan and I can make it to the beach or something. And I haven't seen Matt in a bazillion years, or wait, maybe...no he wasn't in church last Sunday. Slacker. But wait I talked to him, but that was after I had gone to Girls State...ok never mind. I miss my Greggy :( ha he hates it when people call him that :) And finally, I think Sunish and I almost had a breakthrough. Many breakthroughs this week, now that I think about it...whether they pertained to my roommate and gum or my boyfriend and socks.
Ah, Girls State. It's kind of weird living in two building for an entire week w/ 80 other girls, but in the end, I can look back and say I'm really glad I did it. But how will I sleep w/out my roommate, her huge, loud, fan, and random counselors walking into the room? :(