Jul 05, 2003 00:10
"Maybe some people just aren't meant to be in our lives forever. Maybe some people are just passing through...It's like some people just come through our lives to bring us something-a gift, a blessing, a lesson we need to learn. And that's why they're here-you'll have that gift forever."
I love that quote. You can learn something from every person and every experience, and God works through people to teach us.
Orbit has a new gum flavor-bubblemint!! It's amazing, go get some right now!
Short Survey
Name: Christie
Zodiac sign: leo
What time is it? 12:11 a.m.
You shared a bed with: hmm...my dear sister Erin
Saw you cry: oh gosh...probably my mom, but i usually cry in private
Made you cry: dunno, it's been awhile
Spent the night at your house: Liz and Jan!!
You shared a drink with: i stole some of greg's coolata, does that count?
You went to the movies with: Ms. Erin
You went to the mall with: Greg and his madre
Yelled at you: probably Mom, but I probably yelled first
Sent you an e-mail: Jim?
Said they were going to kill you: uh, obviously everyone i meet says that
Said "I love you" and meant it? never said it...but i've felt it
Gotten in a fight w/ your dog/cat/bird/fish,etc.? not really, sometimes daisy whines a lot and i get annoyed
Been to New York? yep
Been to Florida? not yet, but soon!
Been to California? nope
Been to Hawaii? noooo
Been to Mexico? no
Been to China? for goodness sake, the farthest i've been from home is north carolina
Been to Canada? yep
Danced naked? probably, i do lots of weird stuff
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day? not that i remember
Got a really bad feeling about something then it happened? probably
Had a mudbath? no...have you?
Wish you were the opposite sex? nah
Had an imaginary friend? not for very long...i just felt left out cuz other people did :)
Last time you went out of the state: two days ago
Things you like in a girl/guy: sense of humor, ability to open up emotionally, ability to appreciate my weirdness and act the same way :), incredible hotness OBVIOUSLY
Weirdest thing about you? ah, the list drags on forever...picking my fingers, addiction to gum, intense love of swinging in the park...take your pick
What book are you reading now? nothin, i need to start one
Worst feeling in the world? guilt, inadequacy
What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning? what time is it? i have to run or what should i have for breakfast?
How many rings before you answer? as many as it takes for the name to show up on caller i.d.
Chocolate or vanilla? ooh, tough one...chocolate, it has health benefits
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? OBviously
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? yep, gotta love 7th grade keyboarding
Favorite sport to watch? ah, sports...baseball (only the red sox), golf (only tiger), gymnastics, volleyball
What time is it? 12:33 a.m.