Dec 01, 2010 19:23
It's a Friday night and what am I doing? Sitting in my apartment watching some gross zombie movie. lol I was gonna go out for once, but I started feeling sick and then it just got worse. Just as I feel like I'm gonna throw up, I tried to distract myself so I turned on the TV and It's this crazy zombie movie where the zombies actually get a little smarter and well right now I'm at the part where they made these sick buses with crazy lights and put barbed wire on top and they made a cut in the side of the bus so they could stick a chain saw through and kill the zombies. In some sick way it made me feel better. Or maybe it just distracted me enough not to think about how I feel.
I'm really frustrated because I've tried putting my medical history.. well.. in the past. I try not to tell that many people about it. And normally, If i didn't have any medical problems than it'd be a piece of cake. but I'm sick again. And I really would like a doctor to take my case. I'm beyond annoyed that they say, "oh it's just food poisoning" - yea I don't think food poisoning happens this often. Especially considering I don't eat out a lot and eat natural organic food. It could be something as simple as maybe I'm allergic to something. Last time I kept throwing up a lot, it took them 3 times for me to be rushed to the hospital for them to just say "oh its food poisoning" then a few days later, we found out that I was lactose Intolerant after taking the test that WE ordered. I'm not saying I have some deathly disease. I would just like my body not to reject everything I eat. It's as if I'm bulimic. But I'm going to be an annoying and persistent brat and go to the health center on Monday and make them figure it out.
^^^ So I wrote that maybe 2 weeks ago? I kept auto saving this thing cause I didn't feel like submitting it for some reason. Anyways, for an update.. I went to my college health center because, well it's free and I'm broke. So what does the doctor tell me.. well you should go see a GI specialist. great, sounds fun. Long story short, I went to the hospital before I saw the GI cause I was just in so much pain that I couldn't take it. And that means a lot.
side rant...
I have a very high tolerance for pain. When I broke my wrist, I just walked it off and almost didn't go to the hospital cause I thought it was fine. When I go to the dentist and something requires Novocaine, I deny it because I just don't like it. And the dentist looks at me like I'm crazy and keeps saying.. you sure? It's going to hurt a lot... and I just say yup, lets go. I'm not saying I'm invincible, I've just been through enough pain to know what actually hurts and what doesn't. It is incredibly annoying to me though when people complain about stupid little things that they call pain. And I know that, that sounds a little insensitive, but let me just finish my thought before you decide that I'm a horrible person. Anyways, my thought is why complain about pain in the first place? What does it accomplish? I guess I understand if people like my sister Jessie remind you that her back is broken so that you don't hit her back or whatever. Or If you just had surgery, or need to go to the hospital and complain about serious pain.. that's understandable. But other than that, If your toe, hand, leg, whatever just hurts.. don't complain. Because it is negative and either ruins the mood, is just annoying to others around you, or is sometimes awkward because the other people don't know what to say, or someone could be in worse pain than you and is thinking that you're being ridiculous. My cousin (and I'm sorry if you're reading this and get offended by this, but I'm just stating the truth) came into the room that I was staying in and while I was laying in bed, (I just got back from the hospital after having an 8 hr surgery) I was talking with my aunt about how I shouldn't have left the hospital because I wasn't healthy enough. So my cousin walks in and says, my knee hurts! At the time I didn't say anything and I'm not saying that her knee didn't hurt, but seriously... I had JUST got out of the hospital then and even my heavy duty pain meds weren't strong enough to take away my pain. So yea, the moral of my story.. there's just no point in complaining. << and I have been working on this lately, because I'm not perfect and I have been complaining about pain recently, but don't get confused.. I only complain when It's really really bad. But still, I'm working on not complaining at all.
so back to the update haha. I left the hospital because hospitals can only do something for you if you have a life threatening situation, plus they didn't have a GI specialist there so they didn't really know how to help me. So they gave me drugs and told me to see a GI. The next day was Thanksgiving and I was also told that I shouldn't eat much.. so that was fun. But yea I had pain literally every day of the break and the closest time I could make the appointment was today. So I went to the GI today and he told me it could be a whole bunch of things, but he needs to do a scope to figure it out. not really excited for that.. and It's hard to get an appointment for that. So hopefully that will happen before Christmas, but most likely not. Probably sometime in January. But he gave me meds to take in case I have an ulcer and then the scope will tell us what it is for sure. It was a little scary cause he said even though I'm young, he of course can't rule out stomach cancer. I doubt that's what it is, but when you have this kind of pain, or the medical history that I do, you start to become a hypochondriac and worry a lot. So I guess I'm just going to keep waiting. Until then.. yay drugs!