Feb 05, 2005 22:20
sitting in school on friday and kornhauser starts singing a random song.
turns out to be a bulgarian or something rap i heard a lot of during camp. ironic in my mind.
had my interview last...thursday, i think. might have been wedsnesday. nope definetly thursday, wedsnesday was the day i flunked my physics midterm. twas interesting. not sure how things are going to go. if i get in great, if not ok. im so conflicted about the future.
i have a meeting on monday with my guidance conselor to discuss my future, now i have the fun misfortune of explaining that i am absolutley clueless about my future.
i am taking pysch. i feel like i am becoming a hypochondriac. everything i read about im afraid i have.
im going to florida in two weeks. yay! warmth and sun! no snow!
its way too fucking cold. if you need me, im buried under twelve blankets.
love from a frozen heart~ K.