Apr 10, 2010 19:04
I want to thank all of you for your positive thoughts and words of encouragement for baby Cuddles. She is still quite ill. The week of antiboitics haven't done much for her, although there has been some change in her bloodwork. The tests relating to her liver are all on the extreme high side. Not sure what is causing it. Today, we had to take her for an ultrasound of her liver, due to the results of her past two urine and blood tests. They thought she might have a liver tumor, fatty deposits, a blockage of the bile duct, any and all things liver. Well, the ultrasound showed a perfectly normal looking liver, actually a bit smaller than they thought it would be. So more blood tests.
Now they are thinking something like a lepto virus. In CT, there is a high level of this virus. The dogs are vaccinated yearly for 4 of the most prominant ones, so they are thinking it might be one of the other 13 kinds, so they took more blood today and are running more tests. If this doesn't give them a clue, the next step is a liver biopsy.
Cuddles needs to stay on antiboitics for another week. Unfortunately, she has lost her appetite and is refusing to take them. When I try to force them on her, she bites me. Bit me in the face yesterday, not enough to leave a mark, but who knows what will happen next time. I am having to find new and creative ways to get her to take them without knowing, difficult, as she is not eating much. Today, she actually ate a small amount of a McDonald's burger, hid the pill in it. Yesterday, I snuck one in a small piece of strawberry licorice. What works one day will not work the next. I am being outsmarted by a dog. Part of the issue is her nose is still stuffed, so she cannot smell the food and won't trust what it is. Vet's still not sure if stuffed nose is pure allergies or related to the "liver" issues.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
♥♥♥ Cuddles loves the virtual puppy sent to her by euphoricagony. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I appreciate the gift and the positive wishes. You, of all people, know what it is like to have a sick baby on your hands! ♥♥♥
sick pup,