Dec 01, 2003 21:03
Gah. I hate prepping coursework. You know, the bit before you've really goten your teeth into the subject matter and are still in a confused state of what papers to get and what angle to take. Its not helping that although the question i have picked is a really interesting one with lots of room for discussion of many many issues, it just seems highly unrelated to the themes of the course in general, and thus i must firstly see if i can link the question to the course, otherwise its pointless pursuing this one.
But yes. I'm at that stage when i feel like i'm drowining in paperwork and that i will never read all that seemingly needs to be read or find any relevant quotations or opinions within the masses of articles whose abstracts seemed pertinent when i first pulled them up! The worst part is definitely the start. Especially when you can't find it...