Nov 10, 2003 11:58
I was supposed to type this on friday but i didn't get around to it! But to cheer myself up, i decided to type a list of things that i have got to look forward to... Not really far in the future life and career related things, but just the little day to day things :-)
1) This space would have been the trip to Ikea, but we went on Saturday, and a good time was had by all. All, being myself, Cat, Alan and my sister. Officially the trip, on my part at least, was for seeking out the last few Christmas presents that i need to buy, but Gemma wanted to go for the trip. The first comedy delay was caused by the sign at the entrance to Ikea announcing full English breakfasts for £1 before 11am. So we stopped to take advantage of that. My sister, who has caught on to the student mentality, got one (even though she doesn't usually have breakfast) and was in raptures between each mouthful about how she was eating for a pound! The second comedy delay (although less comedic for my feet which were beginning to get sore) was Gemma's dilemma over which cushion she was going to buy. In the end it took her about 20 minutes to decide, and then only after she had carried both around the store until she was happy! At least it was a good way to introduce Cat to the delights of shopping with my family!
2) Going to see Eddie Izzard at the MEN at the end of November!!! :-)
3) Having three days off at the end of this week and going shopping for most of it with Alan!
4) Going home for a bit at Christmas...