I’m feeling like I’m a bit overdue with an update that details something more significant than what the weather is doing (fabulous sunshine currently, for those who are interested!) or what I’ve been eating!
I’ve just been at P’s for the weekend where we made the most of the lovely weather and spent some time wandering around Victoria Park in Finchley on Saturday. It was great to be outdoors and in the fresh air eating our lunch and sitting in the sunshine. It was a little spoiled by the fact that everyone else living within a 5 mile radius of the park seemed to have had the same idea so it wasn’t exactly peaceful, but that’s to be expected in this country… We only get about 4 days of sunshine in an average year, so we make the most of it when it happens!
I also managed to catch up with
the_greek_geek for a few hours on Saturday evening where we all chatted about her new flat, our jobs, money (or the lack thereof) and people we know. I’m hoping to see her again in a couple of weeks because she invited me and P to come and see her new place and there was the potential for there to be some Greek snacky things! I don’t remember what they were called (and probably couldn’t spell it even if I did) but they’re made of spinach and feta cheese and pastry, which are all yummy. Me and Thesp had a vague idea about going to salsa classes together or something if I end up living in Finchley too, even if nothing comes of it, talking about it once again made me realise that I COULD BE LIVING IN LONDON IN 6 MONTHS!!! I’m still trying to sort out what my overriding feeling is about that…
At work, the rotation for the final seat of our Training Contracts has been announced (the wily Training Partner sending the rotation plan out on a day he knew all the trainees to be out of the office on a PSC Course). I have been placed in Corporate which I half expected, so now I just have to work out exactly what it is that they do! I guess I’m lucky in a way, I could have ended up in Property and been dealing with residential & commercial conveyancing for 6 months. Corporate is also a good seat to have experience in should my move to London also necessitate a change of employer, as jobs in this area tend to be well paid. I may have to develop an aptitude for it over the next few months just in case. (Again, change of employer thoughts = reminder that my whole life might be different this time next year!)
Edinburgh on Thursday! Although we didn’t plan it very far in advance, it still feels like it has come around really quickly. We’ve got our first full day there (the Friday) pretty much planned out with what we’d like to see and do, and then the Sunday we’ll be going to the zoo with some friends of P’s. So it’s just the Saturday to fill now, other than we may go for dinner with P’s friends that night too if they arrive in Edinburgh early enough. We haven’t got any museums/galleries in the plans yet though, so there may be some of those on Saturday morning. Even in the tiny book I bought to read, there is so much that we know we won’t be able to do everything we’d like to. A colleague who went there this weekend has said she’ll definitely be going back in the future as she really enjoyed it, so hopefully we will come back with the same plan!
What else what else… Well, I’ve begun a massive clearout of my room and boxes of miscellaneous belongings stored in other locations around the house. I figured if I am moving, then I don’t want to be hauling stuff across the country for it to go from being ignored in cupboards here to ignored in cupboards elsewhere. If I don’t move, well then the tidy was still well overdue and will give me space to put away the more recently acquired of my things. I’m aiming to take the arbitrary standpoint of ‘if I haven’t used/worn/looked at it for 6 months - it goes’ with the small exception of things of particular monetary or sentimental value, or things that by their nature are used infrequently.
I have been pulling things out of cupboards and organising them into ‘sell / bin / charity / recycling’. So far the total stands at 2.5 bin-bags of stuff for the charity shop, 5 carrier bags of rubbish, 4 carrier bags of recycling and 1 box of things that need to be considered for selling on eBay. I’m still at that stage where the more I ‘tidy’ the more mess I seem to create, but it’s feeling like I’m making progress.