Not much to report this time as I have been letting things slip a little and I'm keeping it short because it's late and i'm tired!
The good news is that reviewing my list and seeing how things are tailing off has renewed my enthusiasm for getting on and getting some more boxes ticked in time for the next update, which should be my 1 year update!
21 / 101
This is an additional 1 complete since my 8 month update.
In Progress:
32 / 101
This is an additional 3 in progress since my 8 month update.
Changed goals:
No really big changes. I have changes my number 46 from 'buy a laptop' to 'save £3000' as i decided a did not want a laptop. I have also changed number 50 from buying a PSP to a Nintendo DS, as I have decided I want the DS more (Zelda and Spyro Changed my mind!)