(no subject)

Feb 14, 2007 13:53

I am determined not to write about the damn computer again today - though it is still broken and my worries about how it is going to be ‘fixed’ remain.

It is a slow-ish day in work today; I have lots of bits to do but nothing that requires extended maintained concentration, so I have fallen into the trap of giving myself a little break in between each thing. That and the boss is out, so it’s a little more relaxed in general in here. Saying that, I find I actually get more done on days like this, but without the feeling of being pressured or busy.

I’m sure it’s obligatory to mention something related to it being Valentine’s Day, no matter how much I don’t like the occasion. It seems AJ has listened to my threats of what I would do to him if he sent me a card, and obeyed my request for him not to. I don’t see why people should express their feelings for each other on one day that tells them they are ‘supposed to’ - that’s actually not very romantic at all. My secretary got an anonymous card though, which has caused much speculation this morning, so I suppose there is a bit of fun to be had with the day after all. She is currently pretending not to be too bothered about it, but we can all see that she is secretly chuffed (and not that great at hiding it!). Apart from that though it has been really boring - we were hoping some of the girls in HR would be sent flowers so we could see them come upstairs with them and have a look - but nothing as of yet.

tech-woe, people-a, sloooooow-day

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