May 11, 2005 11:28
Until the results are out. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm very nervous this time - i feel mostly brought about by having received a non-passing mark at the publication of the last set of results. To be honest, this has led to me being more concerned about the skills results than those of the substantive subjects. The cost of failing another skill is higher than getting a passing-but-disappointing mark in the other subjects, see. The frame of mind i'm in, i'm not sure how well i'd cope with another non-passing mark, in anything.
No real news from the last 48 hours.
My new garfield books (if you can call them books really) arrived from Amazon yesterday, so i sat and read them, then i spent the rest of the morning doing some sewing. I had done the vast majority of my prep work for today in a fit of industriousness on Tuesday night, so it left Tuesday as a bit of a self-indulgent lazy day for me.
In the evening, Rich phoned. I haven't spoken to him in a while and he invited Alan and me to his house on Saturday so that we could all have a chat. He seemed a bit down that its so hard to get people motivated to do things other than the roleplay hobby related stuff. The way he saw it, is that the vast majority of our friends have no real responsibilities, none of them have kids or pets, they all have houses they can just lock up and leave for a few hours, yes, a couple of them don't have cars, but even so, Rich tends to go to them in his car. Poor guy. I sympathised with him, as this has been a problem me and Alan noticed long ago, but failed at being able to resolve with most of the people concerned. They are just too stuck in their lethargic ways - and have their priorities in life set already. I explained that for most purposes, this is why we no longer communicate with Paul, as the friendship only worked one way.
I do feel its worse for Rich in some ways though. I mean, he lives miles away from anyone else, but because he has a car, the Manchester lot seem to think that this means its okay to have him do all the running around, despite the fact that Rich travels about 200 miles in the car every day just to get to work and back. I know Rich volunteers for some of the driving, but certain people just don't know when to say no. Dave W for instance, as much as i know it isn't done in a mean way, is quite happy to let Rich drive to Manchester to pick him up to take him on to somewhere else, because its easier for him, and Rich has volunteered - even though Manchester is out of the way for the particular destination. I know Rich genuinely doesn't mind it - but what i think he does mind, from what he said to me last night, is that people then don't ring him to arrange other things to do.
I can't wait til this course is over in the respect that it will give me more time to ensure i don't neglect my friends.
Anyhow - i'm going to have a wander around before the workshop.