Jan 28, 2004 20:12
ok so has ne one ever said life is great well they have been sadly mistakin....life sucks
u noe wut else sucks LOVE who sings that song i will go down with this.......im in love and always be
aghhhh its driving me crazy.....everything is about love its so anoying i cant stand it. and the 1 person i like has decided w/ me that we are gunna stay friends and not like each other....i told him yee its a good idea but i dun think so i really really like him and its gunna take me so0o0 long 2 get ova him idk wut im gunna do i noe u ppl read this and dont comment but i need ur comments
also the persons name ever time im watching tv and it is about love or sumthin its the persons name ((how ironic...but scary))
im so confuzed i need help...
i really like him....im a crazy
how do u get ova sum1 who u like
i am defently crazy...
well i noe i didnt update in a million years also but there is nothing ever gunna happend especally now
u noe wuts on z 100 greenday time of ur life ((weird))
its a good song tho
well my fav song is jessica simpson with u
nack lacy is also very cute.....im over ashton kutcher ive moved on... derik from sum41
im gunna go now tho