Dec 19, 2003 14:07
Okay..lets see Its been forever since I have updated. I use to hate this thing but I guess sometimes people just like to vent. Today I left school at 10:30, stopped by to see my mom at work and got my hair done. I cut off 2-3 inches which is a lot for me. I have been in a wicked good mood all day. I came home made lunch, cleaned the kitchen and emptied the dishwasher. Hey, as long as I wasnt in school I didnt care what I was doing.
I've been soooo incredibly bored with school latley, some of my classes are such a waste of time like forensics and youth and law. I like law class because its interesting to me but you can only watch CSI and Law and Order so many times before you wanna scream. And It just pisses me off when teachers harrass you in the hall for a pass when they have 50 lesbians having an orgy in the smoke and hair spray filled bathroom and kids walking around dressed in black praising the devil with dog collars on attached to a leach their boyfriend is holding. Its like are you going to make it in the real world?
Next year, no one is going to wake you up for class or make your lunch. No one is going to give a rats ass weither you have a hall pass or even show up for class. Im not saying im perfect by any means but I am ready to move on...
High School prepares you for jack shit and everyone knows it. So do all the teachers that give hours of busy work ,that show up and preform part of their daily routne just to get ten-yeared. I would arguee only 5 % of the teachers are happy with their jobs and care about us. I do give them credit for showing up. I know one thing is for sure, I will never teach.
Its like all those kids that are "punk" and are "expressing their individually" while looking like every other snot nosed, spiked hair freak in the school. I dont get it...but then again I guess I dont have to, now do I.
Well, on a happier note life has been good. I got into college and I wont be serving people at Showcase Cinemas anymore. Jamie came over for dinner the other night, I love it when he comes over, I miss him. When he is over eveyone is happy and we just all hang out like a family. Usually we are all to busy in our own agendas to act like that.
I guess Im ready to end this entry. Dont be surprised if I dont update for a few months. My day to day doesnt exactly rate as interesting reading. But its all good... =)