Today's Randomnimity

Apr 28, 2012 23:14

  • My feet hurt like a summabich right now - I'm tired of this, and I'm sure it's only going to get worse - I really need to make an appointment with the neurologist to get back on track with addressing what's going on and trying to find some relief, even if there is no cure
  • Lana Del Rey is a musical goddess, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, can't stop listening to her album, in fact, I'll go out on a limb and call 'Born To Die' one of the best albums of the year, bar none.

  • It was cold and rainy all day today, and I had to turn the heater on again, even though last weekend I had to run the A/C - I suppose if I drove a Prius all this would go away, eh?
  • My cat is 17 years old this year, and I doubt he'll make it to 20, and that makes me sad - his brother died nearly 7 years ago and I still miss him.
  • Parabens para Danny, no seu niver.
  • I really like Tumblr, in fact, I'm this close to starting one of my own, but try as I might, I can't be bothered with Pinterest, I mean, it's not exactly dude-friendly, is it?  Seriously, WTH is with all the effing kittens and ribbons and sh*t? Not for me.
  • How did the term 'The Community' come to be used in the media pretty much only as a euphemism for minority groups in this country? It's so politically-correct that it sounds downright silly.
  • I wish we had a parliamentary political system in this country, something loud and chaotic, like they have in Italy or Israel - I really like the idea of calling for a vote of 'no confidence' in a government.
  • Regina Spektor has a new album coming out in the end of May, and what I've heard of it sounds amazing, every bit as quirky as 'Begin To Hope,' but edgier - funny that I'd just been listening to Regina on the YouTube today, went to pick AE up from practice at school, stopped at the S/A to buy a Coke when I heart 'eet' playing on the public address system - very cool.
  • I was told a number of years back that I suffer sleep apnea, was even issued a CPAP machine but I couldn't wear the damn thing, couldn't breathe, and it left me feeling claustrophobic, would wake up in a panic - anyway, I now have a dental appliance that's supposed to change the position of the jaw to allow for better night-time breathing, and at what it cost, it bluddy-well should - I'm still getting used to it, but it's much easier to tolerate that the CPAP, so I hope it does some good.
  • My oldest daughter is 13 now, and we are going to set up a Facebook account for her one of these days, but we have to first sit down and sort out what her rules and restrictions are going to be - for now I suspect it will have to mean her mum and I will have the password, just sayin'.
  • I bought another tablet this month, a La Pan 9.7" running Android 3.1 Honeycomb - it's a good media machine and only cost half of an equivalent iPad, but it's nowhere near as good/nice as even my first-gen iPad, let alone the iPad3, not even close.
  • I've been told I'm too pessimistic, and often it's true, but not always, cause there are times when I find myself wishing and hoping for things against all reason, indeed, I build it all up in my head to such an extent that when it does not play out like I wished/hoped, it's all the more soul-crushing, yet it's like I can't help it, I have to have another run at the football,
  • Just finished reading Kate William's excellent biography of Emma Hamilton's rags-to-riches-to-rags story, from her childhood of poverty through her marriage to Lord Hamilton, her grand-affair with Admiral Nelson, and after her husband's and Nelson's passing, her fall from grace - it's an amazing story of grit and determination, of passion and hope, of tragedy and despair, truly one of the great female figures of 19th century England.
  • I need to buy a new car, cause the one I drive is more than 16 years old, and is rusting in ways I don't like to think of, but anyway, my problem is that so many cars I've looked at are just too uncomfortable for someone my height, and because my feet have been causing me so much trouble, I've not spent as much time on the car lots checking out suitable vehicles - note to self, git'er done.
  • My oldest niece will be 20 this year - she's tall and willowy and beautiful and smart, and see, all that I knew, but what I didn't know was that she also sings like an angel, and has started to record herself and post to Soundcloud - hell, I know I'm biased, but I think she could make a living at it, if she chose - she really is that good.
  • This coming Tuesday is the First Of May, and I'm pretty sure that outdoor boinking starts that day, I mean, Jonathan Coulton said so, and the smart money is on him being right again this year, same as last year.
  • I'm really, really, really digging HBO's 'Game Of Thrones,' possibly the best show to ever hit the small screen - yes, I think 'Breaking Bad' is amazing, but it's going to start its last season this year - anyway, I'm hoping that when 'American Gods' makes its debut that there will be some competition for that top spot, but it's well into the second season, now, and 'Game of Thrones' is still firing on all cylinders - sheer genius.
  • I've been acquiring a whole lotta movies that I want to watch, including a bunch of British, Bollywood/Tollywood and Aussie films, but single film I'm most in awe of right now is Jonathan Teplitzky's 'Burning Man,' something I think I'm going to have to watch more than once to even get it all (really good to see Bojana Novakovic on-screen again, loved her in criminally underrated 'The Cooks') - anyway, it packs an emotional wallop, sweet and poignant and gripping, and devastatingly sad-as-hell.
  • I meant every word I said, but in case you missed it, I'll say this much again: GIM&LU!

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