Long Overdue Update

Nov 07, 2013 07:40

Yes, folks I am still here. I read lj pretty much daily, I just haven't posted in forever. So let's get everyone up to speed.

I am very much still watching Supernatural.

I am also watching American Horror Story. I don't have cable, therefore not the channel it is on so I have to wait to see the episodes.

Having major computer problems. A few mornings ago I got into a coughing fit--caused by a little bit of phlegm attempting to make it's way into a lung. This is definitely not unusual for me so you'd think I would have been more...prepared. I tried to drink a little water but that made it worse and I ended up vomiting onto my laptop keyboard.

I pulled some of the letters off to clean them, unfortunately it did not help so now some keys don't work while others have a tendency to stick down. I can fix the stuck keys but I guess I can't close the computer, thus avoiding that problem...I hope. I will try finding a cheap external keyboard today. Currently, I have been using an older computer except I can't plug it in because the prong that the cord plugs into is broken. So I use the other computer to recharge one battery while I use the charged battery on the one that won't plug in. You have all that? I can not afford to buy a new computer because I lost my job. Some of you already know what happened. I really do not want to get into it. I will simply say that a bully got me fired. And yes, I was told that she, too, was fired. She caused so many problems for so many people and everyone hated her.

I have been trying to get a whole new resume done, but, sheesh, that is a chore. Especially when you are upset and can't concentrate. I am slowly but surely getting it though.

I was also trying to do NaNoWriMo, but I am already 5000 or so words behind.

That is about all for now.

tv, gripe, personal, computer, unemployment

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