I did not have to work this past weekend and I did a great deal of sleeping. And had weird dreams. I know I mentioned it here at least once before, but I am now mentioning it again. I hate bathrooms in people's houses that have more than one entry door. You know, a bathroom that is situated thus that one can enter from, say a bedroom and the hallway. Or it's shared between two bedrooms.
Some of the bathroom dreams I have involve having to go in one, and I lock one door, but forget to lock the other. And I am already sitting on the toilet when I think about it but the bathroom is so large that I can't just reach over and lock the other door and then I either get paranoid that someone is going to walk in on me, or someone does.
Yes, I had that dream last night.
And in the dream someone did walk in. Two people, actually. I was going to pee anyway, but decided I didn't really have to go that bad, so I got up, pulled my pants back up and left. Which is a good thing, because I am sure any of you who have those dreams knows what happens if you pee in the dream.
Prior to going into the bathroom, I was in a hotel room with none other than Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery. I know, right?! They were both getting ready to put suits on for some kind of semi formal occasion so I excused myself to bathroom.
I had exited out the other door and was walking across a crowded green carpeted walkway, trying to carry a bunch of clothes except I kept dropping things. And I was not wearing my shoes. I set everything down and sat on the floor to put my shoes on but was having trouble with the shoe laces.
mbumby walked up and assisted me. I finally got my shoes on and tied and proceeded to walk towards the door to go outside with mbumby preceding me, helping me carry some things. Just as we got to the door, I looked down and noticed that not only had my shoes somehow come off, they were lying on the ground several feet back. I sighed and told mbumby to just go without me, took my stuff that she was carrying and turned back to grab my shoes. She asked if I was sure I wanted her to leave without me, I said yes as I did not want to delay her. She left and I picked up my shoes and just added them to the pile I had in my arms, headed towards the door and woke up.
For some odd reason, the dream has left me feeling rather depressed and a bit lonely. Of course, I don't mean that mbumby made me depressed, rather the feeling that my shoes coming off became an inconvenience to someone trying to help me. And I certainly am not depressed about NR and SPF being in the dream either!
Prior to that dream, I had another in which I was in someone's house in which they had a very large living room. There were very large windows that took up the entirety of two walls and blinds covering both, except the blinds were somehow set a couple feet or so away from the windows. Someone was sleeping on a couch that was set between one of the windows and closed blinds. Suddenly I heard a noise and there was a very large monster completely covered with (light brown) hair that had materialized through the window without breaking it and had killed the sleeping person. I ran. And thankfully woke up. Yeah, I don't know, either.