Last week, after much calculating I decided I had enough money to take my car in to be repaired. To refresh your memories, I was told the head gasket was cracked. I didn't have the money to get it fixed. A coworker recommended a place who quoted something like $600 less than the previous place. I took it there and was told not only did the head gasket need replacing, but so did the radiator - for a total cost exceeding what I had. Two months later I realize I have enough money to get both replaced.
Took the car back last week. Was told, yes, the parts and labor are still the same cost. I happily told the guy I have just enough to spare to replace the gas cap someone stole a few months back.
The next morning he calls back and says something about absolutely no fluid being in the radiator, something something the engine might be burnt out something something it needs to be replaced or else something something...
Yeah. I have the money to get it replaced. I'm getting it replaced. I figure I have a better chance of selling it if it's drivable. And then I come across
a webpage for complaints about the car and find out that "At 85,000 miles {the author} had to replace the tranny due to an input shaft needle bearing failure that lead to cracked gears. This was traced to a manufacturing defect in the bearing itself that was installed in many vehicles in 2001 (GM released a tech. service bulletin for this). New tranny was $3200 installed-out of warranty."
(source) My car has 78,000 miles on it. It will be difficult enough trying to come up with another $3200. I am not spending on this car.