
Jun 23, 2010 13:06

The rest of the weekend was DucKon. I didn't make it to most of the panels I'd meant to go to. Even though I had the pocket reminder with me, I still forgot about them. I did go to the Ghosts panel by Curt Morley and Diane Ladley which was interesting. They shared some experiences and admitted that sometimes there are non-ghostly explanations for things that go bump in the night.

I'd meant to go to some of the literary panels, but they were all forgotten. I did pick up a stray Science Fiction Adventure Magazine on the last day to later peruse. In it is a section about fanfiction. In that section is a section of the categories people write about. On Supernatural is the second most popular TV show written about, behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as of the magazine publishing BtVS had 1600 more fanfics).

I got to see most of Dr. Who The Infinite Quest which I'd never seen (I missed the first few minutes due to napping). I later found out there was a room in which the hosts were showing all season 5 Dr. Who back to back. I'd already seen through 5x11. 5x12 was scheduled sometime around 4am and that was before the fire alarm at the hotel. Rumor had it the fire alarm was caused by a malfunctioning alarm.

Thankfully, the fire alarm was after the tesla coil concert.

I also got a free proper bra fitting and found out I have been wearing bras 1 & 1/2 to 2 cup sizes too small. Go figure. I'm actually between cup sizes, it depends on the bra. Naturally, the one that fit perfectly cost $62 USD. No, I didn't buy it. But I am now on a quest to find comparable, less expensive ones.

Finally, sometime around 1 in the morning I decided I should head back to my motel & get some sleep. I wanted to be back to do the Sunday brunch. I went out the lobby door and headed around to the parking lot and saw a police SUV parked in front. I assumed it was a leftover last minute thing from the fire alarm. Then I saw a police car zoom past and screech to a halt behind the SUV and the officer jumped out and ran into the hotel. Naturally, I had to turn around and go back inside. As I passed the car, I saw it was a K-9 Unit. Once back inside, I looked around and saw quite a few police standing around talking to guests. I saw a couple people I know standing right outside the bar and asked what was going on. The woman told me that a drunk, blond chick had been making fun of a Klingon. Then there were people making fun of the drunk blond chick, but that she didn't know she was being made fun of and proceeded to cause a ruckus with the Klingons. They ended up closing the bar early.

I left.

adventure, zeusaphones, girly, motel, pictures, tesla coils, masters of lightning, convention, link

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