I've not updated in what seems like forever. SSDD (Same Shit Different Day), really.
I was going to do a Mischief Monday post this past Monday, because my cat (for those who don't know is named Mischief) has been up to some Mischief. Only trouble was, I had to go out & run errands early Monday afternoon. By the time I got back, the internet service had crapped out. I called tech support (Americans!) and they tried everything, but just couldn't find anything wrong. It started giving me a headache. I laid down and napped, but woke up an hour or so later with my sinuses hurting so bad it made me feel motion sick. I took a couple Excedrin followed by a generic Sudafed which did not help. I put an ice pack on my face for a couple hours couple with a generic Benedryl followed by sleep. Woke up Tuesday morning feeling much better.
My internet service was supposed to have expired Tuesday morning & I still didn't have service. I called again & they still couldn't find anything wrong. I just gave up & turned off my computer. I turned it back on last night to see if I should call b/4 purchasing another 24 hours and lo & behold not only was it working, but I have full access. I don't know when it is set to expire, but at least they let me make up the hours I'd paid for, but didn't get (wished I'd known sooner, though).
Anyhoo, hopefully next Monday I can upload pics. Although, while I haven't checked in at least a week, I was still having problems with photobucket. I could only upload by emailing the pics to my PH account.
In other "news" I had to graduate from children's multi vitamins to adult. Just because they were cheaper. Unfortunately, they are giving me problems. I already knew I am allergic to Chromium, which was why I was taking children's as per my Dr.'s recommendation. Chromium causes arthritic type pain in the bones of my left hand & foot. Yeah, I don't know why it's never affected my right hand/foot, but that's just the way it is. The vitamins I bought has other vitamins & minerals that children's don't & I suspect that something is also causing me to have weird abdominal pains on my right side. The same kind of pain I used to have years ago caused by cysts on my left ovary, the cysts themselves being caused by not taking birth control pills. I haven't taken birth control pills in years, because I couldn't afford it. Over the years, the cyst pain lessened or I just got so used to it, that I don't even think much of it anymore (except during that time of the month, but now the excruciating pain is across my entire abdomen, anyway). This pain, however, is on my right side. So I am trying half a tablet every other day. Still a bit painful, but not too intolerable. Less pain on the days I don't take half a tablet.
Speaking of blood (yeah, I know, I wasn't, now I am) last Thursday, The Red Cross called me & told me there was a blood shortage & could I come in & donate. Sure thing, I told her & scheduled an appointment at a donor center nearby for this past Monday afternoon, as there were no blood drives going on. Then, Friday I got a call and to set up an appointment for something way more important, set for an hour before the blood donation. Since I wasn't sure if I'd make the blood donation time, I called and ended up rescheduling it for last Saturday. Except, I got there at my scheduled time & they decided it was strictly first come first served. There was a couple who had walked in in front of me who did not have appointments they took first. For a hot second I thought they'd process me first because the woman led me straight into an office to start the procedure, but then she told me to wait a minute, walked out & never came back. 25 minutes later I peeped out & saw another guy who had walked in that they were going to start processing. And it was 15 minutes before they close for the day so it was the last donor they could process. I put my coat back on & walked out of the office. A woman saw me & asked me how long I'd been sitting in there. I told her. She apologized. She said she had no idea I was in there blahblahdee. She asked if I wanted to get started. I told her no, I'd be keeping my blood that day and left. I've not been back. I'll wait for a blood drive some other time.
Tuesday, I met with my uncle at the VA hospital. He thought they were going to tell him he would definitely need to have the arteries in his chest replaced with plastic ones & a bypass to reopen the arteries in his legs. Instead, they decided to just do a 2nd angioplasty in one leg. Don't know when yet. Then we went to Red Lobster. A couple friends of his drove him down from Grayling, one only came along for the Red Lobster meal! We had fun, though :)
On to a weird dream I had the other night. Strangely, it involves an event, if you can call it that, that really happened. A few weeks ago I was at a liquor store buying some vodka. Next to the cash register was a box with small bottles of Absinthe and a sign proclaiming IT'S NOW LEGAL IN THE U.S.! So I bought one. I've not consumed it yet, as much as I want to, but I am saving it; for what exactly I'm not really sure. I will drink it soon, though. So, the dream I had involved the bottle of Absinthe, except in my dream it was a larger bottle. I had stashed it in someone's liquor cabinet. I went looking for it, & found the bottle nearly empty. I got mad thinking someone was drinking it on the sly. I looked closely and saw two tiny pinholes in the bottom of the bottle. I got something small & white, either bits of cotton, paper, tissue, I'm not sure what & tried plugging the holes thinking it was almost useless, because most of the liquid had already leaked out all over the bottom of the cabinet. I considered licking the alcohol off the shelf when, thankfully, I woke up.
FYI, my bottle is still sealed closed, Absinthe intact.